[Info] The Retired Coat Gallery
Thats what I do, have them all lined up with the names so I get the right coats on the right ones. I get the names off the French server. Oh boy this is a big release, hopefully I can get all the ones I want.
My first shout is the palomino birthday unicorn.. lined up for a few of these.. fingers crossed..
Good luck everyone!
AGH! I was so close, I got all of the 100s except the pegasus. Guess I'm getting up at 5 so I can be ready for the release at 6.
Missed one, the riding pegasus, but still pretty happy
Missed peg and donkey - they must have gone super fast
Got all the ones I wanted!
So I actually ended up going for all of the 100c coats, and the 200c winged draft uni. I got ALL 9 coats with time to spare. Figured it'd be cool to have the whole "15 birthday" RC collection. I'm shocked it went so smoothly
S/O to my wifi for not acting up! Hope everyone got what they wanted
Interesting - was the peg available on this server if a few missed it?
Happy.. I got the six that I had lined up..
I was able to get the pegasus coat ^ but it was the very first one I went for, figured it'd go quick
Didn't get anything. Man I am so tired of releases, I like collecting coats but not this way. And it's infuriating to see people flipping the horses immediately
I'm pretty sure it was. It was just the last one I was going for because I always get my unis, donkeys, and drafts first.
Yes it was there I managed to get it. I can't believe I got all the ones I wanted. That was intense.
People flip the pre release coats?
Missed the pegasus and the first listed unicorn, but had them toward the end of the rotation. Guess I should've put those two earlier and could have gotten them all.
it was worth the moment of hope!
I always go uni's first - didn't expect the donkey to be popular so left it to last...and that peg, i guess it's been forever since we had a donkey though.
I know right.
Got 5 for myself this round.
Yes. However, there's no rules against flipping!
Correction, 6, 2 100 copies and the 4 200 copies.
That was the most stressful 20 seconds of my life. Got all of the 100c except for that darned pegasus. Also got the 200c and 300c coat!
I got 7 / 16 I was going for so I have to try for my first copies of 9 others tonight. I also have like 5 donkeys w h packs saved up so im gonna try to get 6 of the donkey coat tonight first lol
So happy! First time I've ever got them ALL night before woop
I know that there's no rule against flipping. I've done it. I just forgot that people would flip the pre release coats.