[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: September 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

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Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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I recall an announcement post on preprod about the updated icons 2 or 3 sessions ago. I don't recall much feedback about it though.

The only ones I don't like are the comp ones, which look too big, and the reproduction button, which is too small.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,360
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I honestly don't understand why they can took the time to do this, but won't take the time to add the inventory stock to the new Black Market pages, something we've been asking for since the change.
  • Posted messages: 10,638
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How about changing the silly fountain icon as an example.. as a rule horses do not drink from a fancy water fountain..

As for preprod.. traditionally howrse makes a great show of asking for input but rarely implements suggestions..

Painted Lady
  • Posted messages: 2,536
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Why were the icons for cover my mare and lessons changed? They are so thin now that they are really difficult to see. The cover my mare is especially difficult to tell if my mare is ready to be covered or not. Can you please change it back to the thicker version of the icon so that it is easy to see?
  • Posted messages: 1
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I really don't like the new graphics update.
I do not.
The lesson button, for example, seems like a photo crop gone wrong. Kinda like me when I was a first grader trying to learn that you do not stretch a photo out by its sides tbh?
The cover button is absurd and looks pale and thin. The comp buttons are all too big. Stroke is just too shiny to be a human hand, groom looks stretched, and drink is suddenly too shiny and small.
Please change this back. I do not like it at all.
  • Posted messages: 1,565
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to say the least, it's difficult to read

Click to display
  • Posted messages: 1,529
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Is anyone having problems with buttons not responding? So far I havent been able tu use aging points, buy a horse or go to classic version. I kinda “fixed” it but I have to close the app, visit any other app and come back to this one. And it still happens after a while
  • Posted messages: 56
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lavakirl12 wrote:

to say the least, it's difficult to read

Click to display

As a visually impaired player.. this. this is accurate. Even with the browser zoom function enabled it isn't clear to see.

The ones that are viable look stretched, a few almost beyond recognition.
What happened here? Why??
  • Posted messages: 3,433
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("The ones that are viable look stretched, a few almost beyond recognition.
What happened here? Why??"
The "beyond recognition" was mostly about how the hand on the "stroke" button now looks and I didn't realize I put "a few" instead of "one" till after posting default smiley :-x )
  • Posted messages: 3,433
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I just thought someone should know the icons for the gallop, dressage,
and cross-country competitions on the horses' page has disappeared.
Is this because they are working on changing the design or is this another
glitch? Please let the people who work on the graphics know they have

Thank you.

  • Posted messages: 2,232
  • Karma: 10 points
ps. I forgot to add I am using Firefox latest upgrade from today, and Windows 10.1.1.
I have looked at several different horse's page and the icons are missing from all of them.

Thank you again.

  • Posted messages: 2,232
  • Karma: 10 points
PLEASE replace the "NEW" graphics in feed and for cover. They are too faint making them VERY difficult to see. Can barely see how much feed to give.

These are not an improvement.

And stroke now looks like HOWRSE is giving us the middle finger.
  • Posted messages: 2,870
  • Karma: 10 points
PLEASE change the font sizes back.

These smaller fonts are much too difficult for older eyes.
  • Posted messages: 2,870
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My EC is about to go downhill fast as I have over 20 pages that will be destroyed tomorrow that I just dont have the time for and all my boxes are about in the same wear and tear % so I actually have around 250 to repair.
  • Posted messages: 2,144
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It would be nice of we had a setting to not get social media notifications. I'm not interested in making an account on something just for a divine. This is a nuisance, please add an option to turn it off.
  • Posted messages: 799
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Icons to care for horses are terribly pixeled this morning. It is impossible to care for horses unless you know what they are suppose to be. Can't tell if horse has drank or been put to bed. Also icons for comps come and go with pixilation. Please fix!
I'm using
Chrome is up to date
Version 98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)

default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 435
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lindypup wrote:

Icons to care for horses are terribly pixeled this morning. It is impossible to care for horses unless you know what they are suppose to be. Can't tell if horse has drank or been put to bed. Also icons for comps come and go with pixilation. Please fix!
I'm using
Chrome is up to date
Version 98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)

default smiley (li)

the sad part is.. those are the "fixed" graphics
  • Posted messages: 3,433
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I checked with Admin about the pixelation, as it's not an issue I've had, and there appears to be an issue on Chrome's end regarding certain graphics cards or drivers. Hopefully Chrome gets it fixed soon, but if it becomes an issue you can switch browsers.

This is what it looks like on mine
Click to display

Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,360
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Just on the newest update.. What's a toolip?

Very happy about the VA filter though!!
  • Posted messages: 6,303
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waterfire wrote:

Just on the newest update.. What's a toolip?

Maybe it's a typo and they meant to say tooltip - it's the little info box that appears when you hover over something
  • Posted messages: 544
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Qoquaq wrote:

Maybe it's a typo and they meant to say tooltip - it's the little info box that appears when you hover over something

Oh thank you! Honestly I thought it was a typo for Tulip and I was just sitting there like 'I don't remember there being a tulip in the beach rides icon' default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 6,303
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One more change I would like to see relating to Achimedes is the chance to answer more questions - like Topaz and xanthos - visit five a day
  • Posted messages: 1,910
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Being able to get 10APs for answering the question right would be nice. I haven't bothered with archimedes at all in a few years because the prize that he offers is worthless. So a prize upgrade would be a nice change too.

But considering that Howrse won't even give us 10 APs as an event prize, I don't think archimede's questions will be made worthwhile any time soon.
  • Posted messages: 799
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Still waiting on the "repair all' feature for boxes and the equivalent for meadows.
  • Posted messages: 2,144
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I think a nice change would be to have a multi-select option for workshops to produce items. I basically only use the workshops for lunges now and I have to go through each one with five clicks each when having a multi-select option would cut down on the clicks needed especially since it reloads each time.

Kind of like how you can select several meadows and change the fertility.
  • Posted messages: 963
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