[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: September 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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I'm a bit late to the party but I don't think it hit me at first how terrible this change really is. I think I was just so shocked that I couldn't really process it. When I first read about this change, I understood it to mean that the only change was that we no longer had to own a horse for it to count for a trophy. (i.e. if you owned all the paint horse coats and then sold one of your coats, you would still keep your trophy). Oh how wrong I was. default smiley (d)

I've been playing Howrse since I was 9 years old; I turn 21 this year. I remember when the trophies feature first launched and I loved it right from the start. I've never been into competitive breeding, and finally having a way to see my collections visually represented on my page and show them off was the best. On my Canadian account I have (I guess *had*) so many trophies. I had all the breed coats, all the unicorn breeds, all the winged uni breeds, companion trophies, divines, special customization items, GAs and RAs. I was so proud of how big the trophy box on my page had gotten. Before the passes change I bought them with real money quite a few times, in order to grow my collections when I was a newer player.

Now...I don't even know where to start. Is it overdramatic to say I feel heartbroken by this change? default smiley (lol) I just loved collecting so much. Elementary school me (along with thousands of others) was collecting before the trophies were even a thing, and when that feature was launched, it was amazing to finally have a representation of it, and not to mention that the trophies page was so visually appealing. Everything was right there on one page, and it was so easy to see what you needed to get a trophy. As developers, you'd think they would prioritize visual appeal and accessibility, but if the players were truly the priority here, this change would not have happened to begin with. New features, as long as they are useful and do not interfere with gameplay, are great, but they should not come at the cost of existing features that are not a point of contention.

To just have that taken away has essentially removed any reason for me to continue playing this game, frankly. My main account on the Canadian server revolved entirely around getting trophies. That is quite literally all I did. Every single thing I was doing (doing objectives to get passes so I could buy GAs, doing promos to get companions and coats, running my EC) was connected to trophies in some way. Every time I log in I remember the trophies are gone, and I'm disappointed all over again. I am not exaggerating when I say the trophies being gone gives me literally zero reason to keep playing.

Add to this the fact that Owlient thought they could soften the blow by trying to distract us with prizes...really? I don't want Philosopher's stones, I don't want a Tarpan, I just wanted my trophies, left as they were. I, for one, never cared that trophies didn't give prizes. For me, the trophy itself was the prize. Who exactly was complaining about the trophies or was begging for them to be changed? If anything, the trophies were the one feature that no one really seemed to have a problem with, as far as I could see. Why go and wreck it?

Now, the medals/ribbons/whatever they are just look weird compared to the old ones. They also don't tell you how the player earned them, so what exactly is the point of having them on on our pages? They impart zero information to others, they look silly, a lot of people are not fans; what was the point of this?

I want to say I'm surprised that the devs once again ignored feedback from prepod, but let's be real here, this isn't the first time they've done this, and we all know it won't be the last.
  • Posted messages: 147
  • Karma: 10 points
And another thing! I remember playing that glitchy Adventures of Etria (?) game on my iPad back in 2017 (or whenever it was) to win Etrian, and now they're just giving him out? Anything to devalue something remotely rare or special, eh Howrse? (Not that Etrian really had any market "value" as he can't be sold, but he was special *because* he could only be attained through playing that game).
  • Posted messages: 147
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Thank you for sharing your feedback about the latest Dev's Corner. I'm sharing your messages with the team now!
  • Posted messages: 938
  • Karma: 10 points
EchOw wrote:

<font color="9900FF">Thank you for sharing your feedback about the latest Dev's Corner. I'm sharing your messages with the team now!</font>

Thanks EchOw default smiley :)

Could we please get a response that directly addresses the concerns players have raised here?

I know some recent changes have been a mixed bag when it comes to feedback, but I honestly can't recall a time where the consensus has been so strong, and so overwhelmingly negative.

I appreciate the time you guys put in to keep the game running, but having (along with many others I'm sure) spent thousands in real life currency over the years to buy passes, often to complete trophies, being heard becomes even more important on changes like this.
  • Posted messages: 400
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm going to be frank and take a long shot based on my own theories and observations. I think Howrse has cornered themselves when it comes to money. I dont think they're forcing mobile on us to "improve" the game. I think they're doing it because they don't have the funding to run it the way that they've been running it. Keep in mind, I'm not actually trying to defend Howrse and that everything is based on my own theories/nothing has been confirmed. I'm just trying to make sense of this mess. And let's be honest, it's been coming on for a long time because of stupid updates that go against player feedback and cash grabs and developers hiding some changes like the AP change until players start asking questions.

Keep in mind, Howrse is "renowned" for all their cash grabs. That and the cash grabs made them look outright greedy, which put some players off spending money on the game. Now why would they keep trying to force everyone into giving them money if they didn't need it? Unless they're just plain greedy, which at this point I'm starting to doubt because they're knowingly ruining their game. Unless they're completely oblivious to what the latest update has done to us..

TLDR: I'm explaining why I think Howrse is going broke and I think they're being cheap to keep the game running. I'm looking at a slightly bigger picture rather than focusing on the update.

This is a long post so I'm putting it under a banner.
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So a while back they forced a bunch of small servers, including ones that don't speak English, to use an English discord by removing the forums. That got me thinking - why would they knowingly ruin/shut down servers if everything had been working out? Unless everything was not working out. If Howrse was tight on cash, who's the first people they'll fire? The ones manning the small, almost insignificant servers. In other words, the admins of the small servers. If they fire the admins to save on a few salaries, it means that there will be nobody to monitor the forums unless there are other admins to take over. But I'm guessing that the admins of those servers also just so happened to be the only ones that could speak the language of the servers. Hence, there was nobody to replace the admins and Howrse had to delete the forums. But they wanted to keep a means of player-player communication, so they opened a discord. The biggest problem with that being that, once again, there is nobody that speaks the language of the small servers. So they forced everyone to speak English on discord because I'm guessing that they have a lot of admins that can speak English so there's at least someone that can man the forums. I mean, why employ someone new and have to pay a whole new salary when you can just give someone a raise to do some more? Plus that makes firing a few admins pointless. Not that I know what discord is like because I'm not on there.. Maybe it's not even being manned. default smiley (lol) And I'm guessing that those small servers that had their forums removed probably shut down soon after because players quit. Which means that, essentially, Howrse saved money from firing some admins. But at the same time they had to pay maintenance towards the small servers while players were quitting and other players were just not coughing up money anymore in protest to the changes. So they weren't making money and the servers shut down.
Now, these are 99% guesses because I'm not on discord and I haven't heard much about it or the small servers since. And I have not done any digging as to what actually happened that made Howrse remove the forums so I'm not sure about the firing admins thing. But I'd be interested to know if someone knows what actually happened.

I don't remember exactly when it happened, but at some point we got fed up with the overload of weekend divine because our pass and bank reserves couldn't keep up. We ended up asking for there to be only 1 divine every weekend, and Howrse listened. This means that essentially they had less income from weekend promotions because there were less divines up for grabs. Eg. If they had Anubis, a rainbow and a wild up alongside the promo divine over the weekend, either players were forced into spending money on passes to get multiple/all of the divines or they had to settle for 1 or none of the divines. And they were doing this every weekend with different divines. Whereas, there'd be less of a need to spend money on passes if we had Anubis one week, a rainbow the next etc. So they made less money from the offers unless players wanted multiple copies of each divine --> their weekend income was stunned.

And then they forced the crown on us. This was one of those issues about older players having too much of an advantage - there were too many players with divines that dropped TCs and GFs. These players didn't need to spend as much to get promo divines, so there wasn't much need for them to spend money on passes. Howrse wasn't making money off them, so they introduced a brand new luck item that you could only buy using passes. And unfortunately, not everyone has much of a pass income. Even those who do probably end up spending it on other stuff like teams or customisation stuff, so more players were forced into spending real money to get promo divines. Howrse used the crown to "revive" their income from promo divines. And they never went back from there irrespective of player feedback. I wonder why?

And around the same time that they introduced the new sad excuse for an HoP, they also reintroduced weekend offer bombardments. Suddenly, we went from 1 divine every weekend to 3. And it wasn't just any divines. It were really tasty ones and the ones that hadn't been reintroduced in ages. I remember that because my pass reserve hadn't increased at all over 2 or so months. And that's coming from someone that spent 2 years saving passes to get Jade when they had almost no pass income. Point is, Howrse was screaming for money. They needed it so badly that they just outright showed it.

Now I'm taking a very, very long shot. I think something also happened with the designers. The testers will remember - there was a phase where every new divine in testing was always missing some part of their bodies. Always. There were divines with no tails. Divines missing a leg or an ear. Or had their leg hidden almost perfectly behind one of their other legs so that they looked like a tripod. The designers that drew the divines just didn't seem interested in horses. We were getting dragons hybrids and flesh coloured, almost human things and divine horses that just seemed.. uninspired. *stares at Sushi* And yet as of late, the art has actually been decent.. with the exception of Zonkeys default smiley (lol) But the divines haven't been missing parts and they generally seemed okay or inspired. Well, I think whatever happened with the designers would also have costed Howrse a bit more. Better quality always does.

And then someone pointed our that the mobile version of the game is cheaper to run and maintain than the desktop version. And someone else said the graphics are starting to suffer. I don't think Howrse has the money to keep the game going as it was, hence trying to convert the game to its cheaper counterpart in attempt to keep the game running. They're strapped on cash, so they're being cheap with the trophies and trying to suck money out of the new players because they are more likely to spend money. The older players have had to deal with Howrse's nonesense for a longer time and their eyes are open to seeing the greed and seeing how Howrse treat their players like horse droppings. They have opinions and viewpoints of the developers that have formed over years and affect how they spend money on this game. And considering how Howrse treats their players, I won't be surprised if a lot of the older players have been demotivated from spending money on the game. The new players don't have those opinions, so they're more likely to spend. That and they have no income/divines etc, so either they spend years trying to get somewhere or they cough up the cash to get there sooner. I'm really not surprised that Howrse is targeting the new players for cash.

Now I don't know much but I know that Covid put a lot of businesses here out of business. I don't know how it affected Howrse, if at all.

Add all that together with servers shutting down, players downloading ad blockers and refusing to buy passes in protest to changes and you end up with a hoard of players that don't spend money on the game. Let's not forget about the smaller things like them putting love divines in GFs to stop us from getting a bunch of them for free with inventory HoPs. Point is, it looks like Howrse has been screaming for money for a while. I don't know if it's just greed. I wonder.. if Howrse really is strapped on cash, then how much longer do you think the game will last..?

Once again, all this is my theories based on my observations. And no, I didn't do research towards any of this. Its just theories based on observations that I can remember. That's it. And I just wanted to get it out because I'm trying to make sense of this mess. If someone has anything better, please add it. I'm jnteresred in figuring out why Howrse has decided to sink their game so badly that it's likely going to shut down even though players are almost completely against the change.
  • Posted messages: 799
  • Karma: 10 points
So, I reached 700 horseshoes today and got the trophy, with the next one being 2000, which is way too high. The great challenge does not happen often enough to justify such high amounts. It should have been started at 100, then 250, 500, 1000, etc, so we are getting quite a fair amount of them finished on the first run, then every run after that we reach one more or make some decent progress at it. At this rate we probably won't finish the great challenge trophies for something like 7 or 8 years if we have it twice a year.

The clover requirements are also way too high based on previous runs. Last time I got just under 3800 if I remember right, and this was a high amount, yet 2000 is the first requirement for the trophies? With 5000 potentially being the next? If I was to suggest a starting amount it would be 250, 500, 1000, 2500, etc, just something that allows us to make a good start at it.

I'm not saying make them easy or doable within a few runs or anything like that, but the current amounts really do need some reworking to make it more fair.
  • Posted messages: 10,637
  • Karma: 10 points
so divines dont count for the rosette trophy? yay default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 3,805
  • Karma: 10 points
JadedHunter wrote:

so divines dont count for the rosette trophy? yay default smiley (d)

They should, I have been using my Ocean and he has been increasing the % on the rosettes one.
  • Posted messages: 10,637
  • Karma: 10 points
Yes, I've been using my Ocean for the rosette trophy as well, and the bar has increased.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,355
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One of my next trophies is "Win 2500 rosettes with the same horse".

Unless i'm mistaken, there are only 64 horses on the entire game with 2500+ rosettes default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 31,497
  • Karma: 10 points
@ ShadowKokufu

A lot of what you said is very valid.

I thought years ago they were shooting themselves in the hoof by offering Divines that gave passes and diamonds. For them, at that moment, it brought in income but they were never able to see the bigger long-term picture. And still, what do they continue to do, offer even more pass makers. default smiley *-)

No teaching an old Howrse. default smiley (ow)
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,151
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JadedHunter wrote:

so divines dont count for the rosette trophy? yay default smiley (d)

No way? Seriously?
  • Posted messages: 9,703
  • Karma: 10 points
Asfridur wrote:

No way? Seriously?

They do count. I've only won rosettes with my Ocean this week, and the meter has progressed
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,355
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EchOw wrote:

I'm sharing your messages with the team now!

I wonder how many people are actually on the "team"? default smiley (ow) And...only now these messages are being shared with the "team".....
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,151
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Arabians are best wrote:

wonder how many people are actually on the "team"? default smiley (ow) And...only now these messages are being shared with the "team".....

To be fair, one admin doesn't work 24 hours a day 7 days a week and is probably feeding back your comments regularly. Just because it says now it doesn't mean right this moment - EchOw's not responsible for the changes and is doing their job to try to make sure all your thoughts get heard.
  • Posted messages: 37,346
  • Karma: 10 points
i think the new way of presenting the trophies on the profile page looks cheap, the ones before the change where visually appealing. the one of the many cons of this change is that
people don't know what trophies you have, also, in my opinion, it makes everyone look less impressive. it used to be that you could know if the person won rosettes or collected lots of coat colors just by glancing at their page!

the one pro of this change is that you get prizes. just yesterday, i got a divine! as much as i love winning divines, i think you could've done something like this somewhere else.

so, ultimately, i think it would be better if you left the trophies alone and made the events more profitable in the divine horse region for the players who are not pass billionaires.

  • Posted messages: 1,263
  • Karma: 10 points
Hello everyone, I don’t usually respond to things like this, but I’ve been keeping up with all of your responses in the forum and have decided to respond as well, mainly to make known that I, like most of you, have a negative view of these changes.

I would consider myself to be a collector in this game. I really liked getting all the trophies and having completed collections, so I spent a lot of equus and passes to try to further my progress on them. This includes spending a lot on getting all the Iris’ coats. I really dislike Iris’ coats and would have gotten rid of all of mine if not for the trophy. But now they’re not even in collections anywhere so I just have a bunch of Iris’ coats for no reason? And the value of them will just keep going down so they’re pretty much worthless to me now. I’m just keeping them for now in the very small chance that Howrse will actually change something after seeing all these complaints and the Iris’ coats will be relevant again.

I really love collecting GAs and RCs, but I like collecting certain concepts or art styles, not everything. The thing I liked about trophies was that when it said 100 RCs or whatever, I was able to pick and choose which RCs I wanted. I don’t want to have things that I’m not a fan of because it’s not worth it, unless it’s necessary, like with Iris Coats and the Special Coats. But with RCs (and GAs when they had those) I had the opportunity, although it might take longer, to only keep ones I really wanted and still build up the trophy collection. But now the RC collection just seems unfair to me. Not only is it “forcing” me to have RCs I don’t even want if I want to further my collection, some RCs only have 1 copy, meaning that it is only physically possible for one player to have 100% for RC collections. I hate looking at the percentage and seeing that it’s not 100% and knowing that it won’t ever be 100% for me. When things were organized as trophies, even though there were many unfinished collections for me, I knew that I would eventually be able to finish them and that it was actually attainable, but now it’s just disheartening.

Also like other people have complained, I do not want this Tarpan, at least with the way his “perk” works right now. It’s like Howrse knew that I had a personal challenge to personally breed every coat color of horse. I wish I had read this forum before I collected all the prizes, because now I’m stuck with this Tarpan. I know people said that the percentage it increases by is pretty low, but still any increase is still an increase. I don’t want to put in all the effort to try to find the right color stud I want. I wish it was like other divines where you have to collect something or it’s random and it will trigger that perk for like a day or something.

This next point is a bit hard for me to explain my view on, but I don’t like the idea of the prizes being the same, like with everyone getting the Falabella Tiny? Why can’t it be like a random falabella? I personally think it would be more fun and I’d enjoy the prizes more. Because then if it was random, I feel like people would be less mad with getting the same divine. Like even if they already had Tiny and then got Tiny again, at least they would know they had the possibility of getting something different to help further their collection. I guess then it would be a bit more uncertain of which prize you’re going to get, but I think it would add to the excitement of getting a divine, and this way people aren’t all getting the same exact horses. Because since Howrse has been giving out so many more divines lately, it’s kind of not as fun to have divines when you know everyone else also has the same one? If it was random I’d be like “Wow they got Petit! I got Tiny!” Again I’m not sure about how to explain this well and I’m sure there’s some important reason that I’m missing as to why they don’t do this, but idk I think it would things more interesting.

I know a lot of people have complained about the mobile app, but I actually play on mobile quite a bit. This is mainly due to (1) autocomp (2) measured feed (3) paying equus to trade objectives. I actually quite enjoy mobile sometimes, like when I’m going through my divines I’ll play on mobile, especially since there’s not animation for the dragon divines. But imagining Howrse encouraging people playing on mobile more, I don’t think I could take it. It’s really hard for me to switch through breeding farms, and occasionally when I sort for a horse in my breeding farms, I try to unapply that filter, but it still shows applies and tells me I have no horses in my breeding farms. Howrse works so much better as mainly a browser game, with the choice to go on mobile if you want. For blupping, I like to go on mobile when I’m just speed-entering comps since I don’t have autocomp on my account. But I don’t think that it should keep trying to appeal to the mobile version.

I’m not even going to get into how unappealing visually the trophies look and how confusing looking at the collections are because many people before me have already talked about it really well. But anyways I've kind of given up on rankings and trophies and collections. I’ve been playing this game for over ten years, off and on. There have been many times when I didn’t play for a while and then picked it back up again, just due to being busy in my own life and not having time to play this game. I have recently picked up this game somewhat more competitively (ranking-wise) in the past few months, and enjoyed hopping on here to give me something to do. But for the first time ever, I might want to not play this game because of all the changes.

Sorry for the long post and also please do respond if I'm misunderstanding anything!
  • Posted messages: 1,315
  • Karma: 10 points
they finally responded... by making a tasteless "let's brag about the new trophies you got!" thread. forgetting you can't even SEE what trophies you have.

absolutely amazing. default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 565
  • Karma: 10 points
If there was a trophy for worst handling of the mess you've made, Howrse would be winning diamond tier right now default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 323
  • Karma: 10 points
answrs wrote:

they finally responded... by making a tasteless "let's brag about the new trophies you got!" thread. forgetting you can't even SEE what trophies you have.

absolutely amazing. default smiley (d)

I responded to tell them exactly how many trophies I LOST via their sucky update. default smiley xd

God, they are SUCH jerks. They know we hate this and now they're just being mean.
  • Posted messages: 29,498
  • Karma: 10 points
EchOw wrote:

<font color="9900FF">Thank you for sharing your feedback about the latest Dev's Corner. I'm sharing your messages with the team now!</font>

OMG! We are being seen! Thank you for saying something so we do not feel as though we are shouting to the wind. Please please hear our concerns and fix this terrible mistake!
  • Posted messages: 130
  • Karma: 10 points
petrichor wrote:

I hate looking at the percentage and seeing that it’s not 100% and knowing that it won’t ever be 100% for me.

I think this is the single biggest detractor for me about this whole change. I love to have things on my account completed. That's the reason I work on BLUPping and bolding all of my collection horses. It makes me feel like they're finished/complete. The same was true of the coat, apple, and species collection trophies. I liked filling them in and having them be "finished."

Unfortunately, the cards have been displayed as a percentage of all that have ever existed for some time (at least on mobile), and I have had to try to forget that the page existed as a result, because I can't go back and collect the ones that came out before I started playing. Now that the RCs are shown in the same way... default smiley :s


I don't plan to stop collecting, personally, because it's not something I did for anyone but myself. It's just that now my brain will be stuck on the fact that the boxes can never all be checked. default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 174
  • Karma: 10 points
"petrichor wrote:

I hate looking at the percentage and seeing that it’s not 100% and knowing that it won’t ever be 100% for me."

This is me too :-( A lot of these new trophies are unachievable for most if not all of us.
  • Posted messages: 93
  • Karma: 10 points
WeaverofDreams wrote:

"petrichor wrote:

I hate looking at the percentage and seeing that it’s not 100% and knowing that it won’t ever be 100% for me."

This is me too :-( A lot of these new trophies are unachievable for most if not all of us.

I also really agree with this point. Having smaller chunks of goals to work towards and complete (like "all 4 Catrina Brooch coats" or "50 Helios Rays") made it much more fun, and also manageable -- if it's literally impossible to complete anything, I feel absolutely no motivation to even try. To me, this also completely reduces any urge to buy or spend passes, as I'm not going to spurge for any specific items or horses since they are just a tiny fraction of a percentage.
  • Posted messages: 1,154
  • Karma: 10 points
i really just want the fun icons back on my page, they were visually appealing and easy to see what ive accomplished. now that doesnt matter at all anymore. the trophies displayed on my page were prize enough. and i wanna see how far along i am in specific trophies by exact numbers, not percentages, im not here to do math
  • Posted messages: 21
  • Karma: 10 points
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