[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2023 20:08:35
@Ms.Arinine i'm starting to make a game
The problem with the rosette one is that horses become outdated so quickly, you usually have a few days at the most until a better one comes along and beats yours in every competition.
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Cranedaughter wrote:

I think they might be misjudging what desktop players like about the game if they think a mobile version will have the same pull.

I personally WANT the desktop experience. I want the little intricate details. I wouldn't touch any mobile game or app for that matter with a barge pole. I don't like faffing about on a tiny screen. Or faffing about on a mobile version on my desktop. default smiley :-x

Same. The mobile version is just not the same.
What made me pick up this game was, and still has me playing, are the beautiful detailed graphics, and the many ways you can play this game. (But the updates makes it less and less so)
If I wanted a mobile game, there are tons out there I could play.

But I don’t want to play a mobile game, I want a game I can play on my pc.
I can already see the graphic changes implemented in the last update. The graphics are more blurry and less detailed, and the layout gets more and more boring.

I keep on waiting for an update that removes the option to use the old navigation/care option on the horse page. If I am forced to use the pearls-on-a-string navigation, I will be in a world of hurt. Yes howrse I haven’t forgotten the last time you tried to do that.
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Unfortunately, Howrse is unlikely to give us the old trophy system back. They didn't listen when we had a similar uproar over the removal of pass horses and introduction of Yggi and they also shut down the forums then as well as they are apparently starting to do now. They don't want our opinions on this.

The only hope we might have is that they eventually reintroduce some parts of the old trophy system. They did reintroduce pets/companions after all. I think the best we can hope for is that they listen enough to put back in things that are most important to us.

I don't want this game to be a strictly mobile game. There are many things that I can't do on mobile and have to do on the desktop computer. I only use mobile if I'm traveling or waiting around in doctor's offices. If they want to make the systems completely compatible, they have a lot of work they need to do to bring the mobile game up to par. They don't need to bring the PC game down to mobile.

I miss the interesting and descriptive graphics, the numbers instead of percentages, and the ease of access to information. I used those daily. Getting the occasional reward, even a divine, just doesn't make up for that.
Jade Heart
  • Posted messages: 204
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I have been on this game for over 10 years and I have only
looked at the mobile version a few times, but I have had NO desire to play on it because I like details and I wasn't willing to learn anything about the mobile version.

I wish there was a history of trophies earned and prizes earned! Yesterday I started with 90 points on the meter, won a bronze trophy, got my 100 points ( plus 10) and a prize, but today I can't remember what that trophy was. It is not in the last 3 earned for some reason. For my detailed mind, this is frustrating.

It is interesting to see how the people that were so happy with earning prizes for trophies are realizing, a few days later, that it is not as much of a rewatd as they originally thought.

Since the update, I have had a hard time knowing what to work on. I have been blupping horses for the classical Grand Prix, entering my own classical EC's competitions with my best horses, tring to win rosettes with my TBs and Selles, and working certain divines of mine. My general ranking continues to decline. I do get the occasional trophy too.
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....Do you think down rating the mobile app will get their attention? I also want to keep the desktop version.

Then again, I did that when they forced tax on us so I suppose its useless because they still haven't listened - I did it specifically speaking about how they couldn't care less about their players or feedback and now we're back there again default smiley (lol)

Anyone have a list of potential new games similar to Howrse that we can play when this one shuts down? Horse orientated ones that can be free to play?
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By Retired breeder, 7th January 2023 22:50:09
I'm creating one, but i have a feedback forum in my ec so i can send a grivance letter to howrse
If they switch to only mobile I will end my game unfortunately. I cannot blup fast enough or do enough with my game on only mobile. Its been a good couple years and ill be sad to leave but this will be the final issue.

They need to poll first players using ONLY pc vs players using Mobile and pc vs players only using mobile.
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Yeah, me too. I don't have the patience to play on mobile. I would just quit altogether.
  • Posted messages: 671
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I've spent the last few days since the trophy update lurking in this forum and debating whether I should even continue playing.

I wasn't ever a serious collector, but I was always proud when I gained a new trophy and it was displayed on my page! I worked long and hard to acquire all the 5th element coats, the magic hat coats, and so on, just so that I could say that I had the complete collection. This along with feeling pride when I completed a breed coat collection! I cannot even imagine the anger actual serious collectors feel when they find that all of their hard work suddenly doesn't count for anything, and their achievements aren't even displayed.

One of my favorite things was to visit the profiles of other players and be able to see their achievements immediately or see what coats they have, or which divines they have.

And now- all of that is gone. I can't see players' achievements, the trophies mean nothing to me now, and even worse I can't even tell what my own achievements are! I have no idea what any of my 20 silver trophies mean and I cannot find their meanings! The collections are ridiculous and the percentages make me want to scream. Howrse says they want to make things 'easier'? They have failed so badly, I have never been more confused and annoyed at something that used to be so simple to understand.

The rewards are nice, but they aren't nearly good enough to make me want to work towards playing more and not good enough to make me forget about the beautiful trophies you crudely replaced with the ugliest animated medals I've ever seen.

I love this game and have come back to it after many breaks throughout the years. But I'm not joking when I say I don't know if I want to continue. I'll come back from time to time and work my divines, but other than that I see no point in continuing to breed and work my horses.

So finally Howrse:

If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT
  • Posted messages: 136
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Also love how my "enter 50000 competitions" trophy shows 99% complete but that's still like 500 left default smiley xd
at least just tell me the NUMBER pleASE
  • Posted messages: 1,529
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Yeah I miss it so much. I've lost a lot of motivation since the change; there's nothing to really work towards it feels like? Like I can't gain seniority by doing anything other than logging in, most of the other things I just do by completing mundane daily events.

The previous ones had a bit of challenge, if that makes sense? Like collecting, you had to determine how much to spend and what it was worth and whether you should wait for a better deal later or buy the horse you needed NOW, and the drive to earn money so you could finally get that last horse for that long-sought trophy you'd been eyeing!

Now it's just like. Log in. Care for some horses. That's it.
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Leroybabe222 wrote:

I've spent the last few days since the trophy update lurking in this forum and debating whether I should even continue playing.

I wasn't ever a serious collector, but I was always proud when I gained a new trophy and it was displayed on my page! I worked long and hard to acquire all the 5th element coats, the magic hat coats, and so on, just so that I could say that I had the complete collection. This along with feeling pride when I completed a breed coat collection! I cannot even imagine the anger actual serious collectors feel when they find that all of their hard work suddenly doesn't count for anything, and their achievements aren't even displayed.

One of my favorite things was to visit the profiles of other players and be able to see their achievements immediately or see what coats they have, or which divines they have.

And now- all of that is gone. I can't see players' achievements, the trophies mean nothing to me now, and even worse I can't even tell what my own achievements are! I have no idea what any of my 20 silver trophies mean and I cannot find their meanings! The collections are ridiculous and the percentages make me want to scream. Howrse says they want to make things 'easier'? They have failed so badly, I have never been more confused and annoyed at something that used to be so simple to understand.

The rewards are nice, but they aren't nearly good enough to make me want to work towards playing more and not good enough to make me forget about the beautiful trophies you crudely replaced with the ugliest animated medals I've ever seen.

I love this game and have come back to it after many breaks throughout the years. But I'm not joking when I say I don't know if I want to continue. I'll come back from time to time and work my divines, but other than that I see no point in continuing to breed and work my horses.

So finally Howrse:

If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT

You are so right. I am at such a loss! The confusion is too much, i cannot understand the logic. I can only pray that on the 24th this is resolved in some way because otherwise I may quit.
  • Posted messages: 130
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Well this change went over like a ton of bricks and a pile of ****default smiley (n) Honestly I'm not even going to try and figure this one out. Sighh! I use to collect. The key words "use to" "in the past" Not sure how this will play out. So many unhappy players!
  • Posted messages: 2,427
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JadedHunter wrote:

If they switch to only mobile I will end my game unfortunately. I cannot blup fast enough or do enough with my game on only mobile. Its been a good couple years and ill be sad to leave but this will be the final issue.

They need to poll first players using ONLY pc vs players using Mobile and pc vs players only using mobile.

Is this something they are considering? I do not have time to go back and read a ton (and this has been a terribly busy forum lately...whew!) but i think this will be terrible if they do! I have NO desire to learn mobile, and only use my phone to play out of necessity when i can't get to a computer. I have the app, but immediately switch to classic. Such a change would about pull the plug on my playing, and i'm unsure if my account would live or not. It would certainly break my heart, but it is not fun trying to do everything on my phone, and i play this game...on my desktop!...for fun. This latest update sucks much of that fun away, and switching to just mobile would likely be the last nail in the coffin. And if they forced us to start using that "new interface" thing with the dots instead of the drop down menu...i shudder! And if they switch to just mobile AND force the new interface...default smiley (6)...i can't even imagine trying to use my fingers to touch the right little dot thingy! At that point, they won't only have sucked away all the fun, it will become enraging to try to do much of anything. So, in conclusion...NO i won't learn to play the mobile version...NO i wont play only on my phone...and NO i DON"T want to learn the new interface! All on top of NO, i do not like the new trophy system, and would gladly do without the prizes if it meant going back to the way it was. Its like the trophy update was the stun gun, and Howrse would be going in for the final blow, the kill shot, if you will, with such updates as these. I sure hope this all is a rumor and is quickly proven wrong.default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 14,543
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I had been rather indifferent to this update, but due to the realization about the mobile being a part of the plan I have opinions.

The EC is not on mobile, if desktop is to adapt to mobile is that to go by the wayside? Its extreme, but it did cross my mind. Are they willing to intrinsically change the game to get new traffic but that the old players no longer are interested in playing? If they think that the old players will not leave, I think they are sadly mistaken. A long term customer, should be valued. People who consistently spend money on the game as opposed to new players who may spend some money before losing interest.

The rewards were nice for a second, when I first logged on that first day and suddenly I had completed a bunch of trophies and got a bunch of rewards. But now my feelings are pretty much "eh if I complete a trophy and get something that's fine, but I wont pursue it."

The old trophy system was striking. You could tell a lot about the player from it. The way they played the game, what interested them in it. It was a badge of their achievements. This new one is boring and forgettable.

What is the precedence this is setting? I understand the need to bring new players in and an app can help to include new players, however leaving your longtime players behind is a BIG mistake. The mobile version should adapt to the desktop. Clearly many players who have played for a long time (and many of whom I assume have spent real money on the game) are not happy with this update. I wonder if anyone who makes decisions is reading this thread? Or if its being relayed that many players are upset? Is the prospect of mobile users so enticing that they would risk losing desktop players? I would be curious to see what the numbers are for mobile vs. desktop and how that translates into income for the company.
  • Posted messages: 260
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Sorry for the double post, I just would like to add:

I understand that I have a lack of understanding of what went into the planning process behind this. Why they decided on this. So all of it is really conjecture (and if that French post a few pages is accurate). Overall it doesn't change my play that much, and I understand there are people on both sides of the coin with variety play time. Some people like it, some people do not. What I posted were my thoughts given the attestation that the mobile version was in part responsible for the change. For Howrse to be uniform across platforms.
  • Posted messages: 260
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SilverLotusLamer wrote:

The EC is not on mobile, i

They just prepare the launch of it. On prepod you can already test the EC on mobile. I did not look into it, so don't know if it works or not....
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Ok, thanks for clearing that up! Sorry for my long winded post about something that apparently is already in the works
  • Posted messages: 260
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SilverLotusLamer wrote:

Ok, thanks for clearing that up! Sorry for my long winded post about something that apparently is already in the works

No problem, apparently Howrse lacks giving informations to the community. I honestly do not understand why there are comments about this update and explanations on other servers from official staff, but not on all servers.

Thats confusing and doesn't leave a professional impression.....

They should give at least 1!!! official statement here and on any other server that they heard us and that the team is discussing things and/or is planning on more, like implementing the GA or...... Thats the least.....
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All I can keep thinking now is that they're gonna totally change other pages too, in order to fit with their new, bland "modern" aesthetic (and to conform more to mobile, as everyone else has mentioned).

The Trophies, Collections, and Special Horses pages (and the Daily Objectives page, technically) all have that same overly simplistic, clunky clip art design with the pink & purple background -- which just doesn't fit the original beige colored pages at all. So I assume the whole game will look like the new pages at some point, which absolutely sucks.

Time to start screenshotting every page on the game!
  • Posted messages: 136
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Just wanted to also add how disappointing it is that even the tiniest parts of player feedback were not responded to on this change. there were so many comments on prepod around the wording of certain trophies, e.g.

'precious mineral horses' rather than 'precious metal horses'
the grammar of 'on some horses' not fitting right

if howrse cannot even resolve basic wording issues for us, then what's the point of using prepod at all?
  • Posted messages: 400
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By Retired breeder, 8th January 2023 12:42:59
The top rosette horse on the Slovak server only has 452 rosettes..

Bell_z wrote:

The diamond trophy for rosettes is to win 5000 rosettes with ONE horse default smiley xd
Decided to use my Ocean for the rosette one, it will be slow, but his skills are always going to increase and most of the time his skillset supports at least one competition type
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Oathkeeper wrote:

Decided to use my Ocean for the rosette one, it will be slow, but his skills are always going to increase and most of the time his skillset supports at least one competition type

It seems like they've designed the trophies to force players to buy divines. The only way you can complete this one for example is to use a divine. It's completely undermining the hard work players put in to actual gameplay!
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