[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: March 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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I like the rewards but I miss the old trophy page... Probably the main reason I've still enjoyed this game is because it has been fun to work on trophies, but now it seems just annoying and confusing...
  • Posted messages: 14
  • Karma: 10 points
This new trophy development is nothing short of horrible, and I am /incensed/. Collecting trophies was one of the main reasons I still actively play this game, and now they're reduced to stupid little badges? It's beyond absurd. Some of us have poured literal years into expanding our trophy collections, and all that has been destroyed. I had several completed collections - three-tier diamond trophies - and now it's saying I have zero.

Also, it completely devalues the BMIs and Divine horses when they just give them away hand over fist. Collecting Divines was another one of my hobbies/reasons for playing, but where's the fun in it if you don't have to work towards it? They just took away the last feature that gives players a sense of accomplishment. Well done, Howrse. You've ruined yet another feature of what was, once upon a time, a decent game.
  • Posted messages: 710
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  • Seniority: 498 days
Please make a throphie for Helios' Ray too..
I spend so much on collecting them. default smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 11
  • Karma: 10 points
what happened to the golden apple and Helios' Ray.... some of us have poured so much time and money into these collections, would be nice if these where added back...
  • Posted messages: 865
  • Karma: 10 points
so one of the new trophies is "give birth to a zonkey".

How do i do that? Is it a divine or a regular horse? Was it only in a promo?
  • Posted messages: 3,825
  • Karma: 10 points
JadedHunter wrote:

so one of the new trophies is "give birth to a zonkey".

How do i do that? Is it a divine or a regular horse? Was it only in a promo?

Yeah you need a Zebra and a Jenny divine that are only available through promos...
  • Posted messages: 9,713
  • Karma: 10 points
The trophy page navigation is horrible. Why do I have to click 10 buttons to find what I'm looking for? There was nothing wrong with the old trophies, make them drop downs again. The badges instead of individual trophies is also the worst. If I spend forever trying to collect a trophy, you are going to give me a trophy default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 229
  • Karma: 10 points
WHAT is this abomination of a new trophy page?? I actually cannot believe how horrible it is. Years of hard work collecting trophies has just been thrown in the bin.

The old trophy page was wonderful, it was pleasant to look at and easy to navigate, and gave players a range of goals to work towards. It was FUN collecting trophies and green ticks. Nothing about this new page invites any of that.

I don't care that that old trophy page didn't give you any prizes for collecting trophies! Who was complaining about that? Why was that deemed a necessary change? The new trophy page feels like a permanent promo now, another means to collect BMI that will sit and collect dust in my inventory.

I already have so few reasons to continue playing this game, and now Howrse has gone and removed the thing I enjoyed the most. I would gladly return any and all BMIs and divines I gain from this new trophy page if it meant switching back to the old one. I am truly sad about this.
  • Posted messages: 136
  • Karma: 10 points
Every single thing about this new trophy and collection 'update' completely sucks! Please change it back, NOW.
  • Posted messages: 354
  • Karma: 10 points
Me achieving the gold divine trophy before: Feeling achieved, Proud, Motivated

Me now only being compared to a complete divine collection having 13%: Unmotivated, Unachieved, Unwilling to spend passes for it to maybe go up only a %
  • Posted messages: 327
  • Karma: 10 points
Oh my goodness and I've just seen what player pages look like now... I'm actually laughing this is so bad. This change beats any other one Howrse has made in the past few years. Truly blew them all out of the water in terms of awfulness.
PLEASE please please change it back to how it was before default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 136
  • Karma: 10 points
i'm glad i'm not a major collector. the thing i did collect for the trophy was the droppings. the old max was 45000. it took me a long time to get to 45000. I have been keeping it between 45000 and 46200. I need 1200 for manure. Every time i get over 46200 i would make manure. i only sell it when i have an obj to sell. Right now have just under 46000. its only level 9 (silver) learned to get to level 12 i nedd 500000. that's insane and it's just gold. who knows what you need for diamond.
Hiram Farmer
  • Posted messages: 13,452
  • Karma: 10 points
the rewards are great, but the graphics are... absolutely hideous. i want the old trophies back.
  • Posted messages: 7
  • Karma: 10 points
This new trophy page is, what we call here in the UK, pants! I took great pride in 'chasing down' trophies so I could collect them and have them displayed. Getting all the coats of all the horses was my number one goal and now you've made it even more difficult. For this task alone, people are going to have to write/type all the breeds with all the coats underneath, check off what they have and then figure out from there what they need. This has made the game inifinitely awful!#

I play on 5 servers and am seriously thinking of giving up. Please change it back to how it was, or at least have an easier page to where we can see what trophies we needed!
  • Posted messages: 56
  • Karma: 10 points
I’m honestly really confused. This looks like a mess. And I have random percentages on so many trophies that I KNOW aren’t right, Or they aren’t explaining the percentages. I’ve put at least unique 25 GA’s on horses just in the last 30 days alone. It was literally all in one day, coat release day, and I HAVEN'T used a GA since. The trophy Shows I’m at 80% of completing for 15 coats. Literally impossible. I used 25 GAs in one day. None since. How in the world are the calculating these percentages? There’s literally no explanation
  • Posted messages: 279
  • Karma: 10 points
default smiley (n)default smiley (n) I Hate it. It makes my player page look terrible now! I used to be proud of the trophies I would be able to display on my page but now "Oh look at these little badges that you have no idea what they relate to! Aren't they wonderful?" /s

It used to be easy to search for what I wanted to work on with my trophies and now like other people I care even less about this game. It was already starting to feel like an actual job and congrats you made it into more of one. default smiley :k default smiley :(

Maybe in the future Howrse should test these things out before leaving players no choice with how the future system will be.
  • Posted messages: 20
  • Karma: 10 points
WaffleCorporation wrote:

Maybe in the future Howrse should test these things out before leaving players no choice with how the future system will be.

Lol... they did... we warned them this would end badly...

They did make a few changes (it was originally much much worse) but overall they just ignored player feedback and went ahead with it anyway...
  • Posted messages: 9,713
  • Karma: 10 points
Unicorn Glue wrote:

I'm a bit sad to see the trophies for the coats per breed are gone or i cant seem to find them as thats what i have been working towards for a while. Same with collections coats... Now i cant find what i have all in one place. Unless I;m just missing something?

Did anyone answer this. I cant see it so:

Collections - top right - classic coats - see. Shows all the coats for each breed with breeds and numbers listed on the left.
  • Posted messages: 25,793
  • Karma: 10 points
Hey! Remember when we all told you on Pre-Prod that this was a gigantic fail and we all hated it?


Didn't listen to us there, both times?


This is as much if not worse of an Epic Fail as we told you then. Not only have you charged ahead in ruining your customers' investment in and enjoyment of this game, because clearly you don't understand a blessed thing about Brand Trust, you've given us pages that look like they're for a kindergarten game. You've destroyed long-time loyal customers' progress (I see a LOT of things missing in these trophies and so-called "collections"!), and made an overly-large, needlessly loud-colored disaster that cannot be seen and assessed at a glance.

You are absolutely to be Congratulated -- you've made a whole section of this game unreadable and utterly inefficient!

I have a suggestion to help with your gleeful, unabandoned, open-armed race toward inefficiency: Stop holding Pre-Prods. In, what? Eight or ten years of them? In that time you've listened to player critique and changed your course exactly Twice that I recall (and I was shocked, both times). Seriously, just don't hold them anymore. You'll save yourself time and wages, and you won't even miss customer feedback that you never listen to anyway.

Oh... If you wanted to give me 100 prizes for this mess, then you should have done so and messaged me a list -- this nonsense of I should have to spend loads of time clicking a button 100 times to get these items is just... Well, as poorly-considered as the rest of this debacle.

Clearly, no one likes this. No one is happy having their work and progress destroyed. No one is happy having to look in 10 places for what could once be found all in one place. Just as clearly, you don't care and don't listen to customer feedback.
Becky Barnes
  • Posted messages: 99,121
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 3rd January 2023 18:03:24
The devs are speed running this game into the ground quicker than Elon with Twitter default smiley xd

Safe to say I won't be spending anything further on my main server as long as these new changes stay up!
WaffleCorporation wrote:

Maybe in the future Howrse should test these things out before leaving players no choice with how the future system will be.
They did. We all responded with a resounding "We Hate This!" and as per usual, they didn't listen. They never do. It makes one wonder why they waste their time and money holding Pre-Prods at all.

But they're telling us loudly that they love destroying trust in their brand, so there's that.
Becky Barnes
  • Posted messages: 99,121
  • Karma: 10 points
Are the collections not trophies any more?
The trophies page is hard to read.

The collections page is even worse. Could you put the regular coats by breed collection back to how it looked on the trophy page? Or at least have the list of breeds in alphabetical order, and preferable in a drop down menu so I don't have to scroll the whole page.

The only thing I like about the new trophies is winning BMIs and a Divine.
  • Posted messages: 92
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

The devs are speed running this game into the ground quicker than Elon with Twitter
There it is.

mimima Wins The Internet!!! default smiley (l)
Becky Barnes
  • Posted messages: 99,121
  • Karma: 10 points
As someone who mainly plays to collect trophies I am very sad by this update! I absolutely hate the new trophies and I feel like all my progress has disappeared. I'm seeing other people's replies with people saying that the update was majorly disliked on prepod too, so I'm wondering why on earth the developers went ahead with this awful update?

Bring back our old trophies. Makes me not really want to play anymore, and as a player who has enjoyed this game for 10 years I'm angry and upset.

default smiley (n)default smiley (n)default smiley (n)default smiley (n)default smiley (n)default smiley (n)
Poseidon's Trident
  • Posted messages: 1,086
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Wow. Finally got a chance to look at the trophy display on my page and!!! I hate it!!! No pretty graphics, no idea what all the little badges stand for, no feeling of satisfaction when I click the “more” arrow and I see all the pretty trophies unroll for me to scroll through. Please put it back, howrse. This is terrible!!!
  • Posted messages: 212
  • Karma: 10 points
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