[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: March 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Went to open my free HoP from daily objectives and instead of going to a page that shows me what I won I was taken to the new HoP page and almost spent passes opening one. Had to go my history to see what I won. Not cool. default smiley :@
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 3,011
  • Karma: 10 points
Oathkeeper wrote:

Teams don't need to set a max GP to sell, but that doesn't stop one applying a max covering/sale GP after the horse have been sold, causing any ungelded stock over that limit to become unbreedable, even ones already sold. I've seen it happen to several people already, where they bought a horse at an earlier time, just to find they now can't breed it due to the team setting the max below the GP of the horse.

This is the message you get if the horse is over the team GP -

"x is a team horse and therefore cannot breed."

How much time elapsed? I just don't know why a team would release 20000 on monday and then on Thursday go "oops" and change it to 19998. If they did then I would just question why I'd ever want to give them a pass or another minute of my time. I would much they have this as a solution than what we had previously which was no cap and then you had problems if someone threw a tantrum and sold everything.
  • Posted messages: 6,243
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Ruffian wrote:

How much time elapsed? I just don't know why a team would release 20000 on monday and then on Thursday go "oops" and change it to 19998. If they did then I would just question why I'd ever want to give them a pass or another minute of my time. I would much they have this as a solution than what we had previously which was no cap and then you had problems if someone threw a tantrum and sold everything.

Weeks, even months in some cases based on what some people have said. But, that's besides the point, if the horse was sold before the cap was set, teams should not have the power to make that horse more or less useless to the buyer if it happens to be over that amount. Yeah, it stops leaks and allows teams to control where their stock goes, but that shouldn't come at someone else's expense, especially when they have forked over a lot to own the horse in the first place.

Teams have an obligation to ensure that the horses they sell are under or equal to their max, it isn't on the buyer to know what the team's max GP is and avoid horses, nor is is on them to take the loss when the team does sell an over GP horse before they set the cap

It's kinda like buying a phone, but then the company realizing they released it several months early, so, instead of correcting it by offering a refund, they prevent those phones from being used until they're released and refuse to give the money back to the buyers. Both cases take the customers money and both stop the customers from using the product they have bought due to a fault the company made.

I like the change, I like that it protects the work of the team, but what I don't like is how it gives teams the power to sell top stock for a high price and then make it useless. What would be fair is for the cap to apply to any horse owned by the team at the time it is set, whereas horses sold prior to the cap will not have it applied to them, as they would have been bought with the knowledge that they can be bred.
  • Posted messages: 11,398
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Only solution to this would be that howrse adds to the program to that is once the number goes up you can't put the gp down.

For example team A wants to allow top gp to be sold at a high pass price so they put out for sales is 20000 and covers 20000.

Sell horses then decide to lower the gp to 19000.

The game won't let it. To prevent the above scenario. And each time they go to raise the gp release there be a warning stating that it is not reversible.

Or where buyers can report team fir this abuse and the team looses stars or gp for this scam.
  • Posted messages: 1,827
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This new HOP page is atrocious and borderline unusable... I have to scroll to see what I won!

Why do we need possible prize categories displayed?

It looks cluttered, its unnecessary, and its honestly making me never want to buy a HOP again... default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 9,713
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Why make the HoP page look like the Tyche's Crown? It's so annoying that we can't see how many HoPs we have left. And I see exactly why they made this change! As soon as you run out of HoPs, it switches over to the buy for passes option. I bought a HoP by accident because of this. Trying to trick people into spending passes isn't a good look....
  • Posted messages: 108
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EmmaKate66 wrote:


Does this mean that 24 VIP memberships are no longer offered in HOPs? I don't see them listed there? They were always a great surprise a few times a year.


I won a 24 VIP subscription by opening a HoP just yesterday, so it is still there default smiley :)

  • Posted messages: 87
  • Karma: 10 points
Just found another little glitch. When completing Asgard (Nordic Divine rides) I collected the prize but had to refresh the page in order to do a ride in Niflheim with my leftover energy.
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 3,011
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Thank you for sharing your messages regarding the latest game update! I'm sharing them with the whole team now.
  • Posted messages: 938
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I’m also not super excited about the new Horn of Plenty page. I would really like it if the page was returned to how it looked before. Now it’s unnecessarily cluttered, you could accidentally click off the pop-up before you can see your prizes, and it’s significantly harder to see how many fragments you’ve won for a divine.

I didn’t used to have a problem with the Tyche’s Crown page but I think this change has done an excellent job at highlighting the exact reason why I find opening those so unsatisfying: a pop-up makes it feel like a UFO which, while always a nice find, is free. The Tyche’s Crown isn’t and, regardless of your personal opinion about the overall worth of the item, I think we can all agree that an item we spent passes on should never feel like a UFO because it then feels like we were cheated. All of our other luck items have layouts where when you open it, it takes you to a new page. The HoPs used to load a new page to show you your winnings. Titan’s Challenges take you to a new page where you then click through the levels until you claim it. The Golden Fleece takes you to a new page where you then scratch off colored material to reveal your prize. Once you click to open another luck item (no matter the type) the page then takes you back to the page where you can view how many items you have left and make another decision. This entire process makes it feel like a production and helps to make it feel like you’re using passes for something of equal value. Please, please switch the HoPs back to what they were before the update and, while you’re at it, please brainstorm an interesting gimmick for the Tyche’s Crown that will make it feel worthwhile to spend passes on. I’m not saying that this will 100% fix what’s wrong with that item, but I just now noticed this after thinking about the HoPs changed page and thought I’d share my thoughts.
  • Posted messages: 861
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I don't know if it's different for others, but the game actually won't let me click off of the HoP winnings pop-up. I have to click the "ok" button to get rid of it, so it shouldn't be possible to miss seeing what you won, unless you accidentally click "ok."

That said, I do agree with others who have said the pop-up itself is underwhelming, and it is much easier to zoom through them in a shorter amount of time, which also makes the process underwhelming (and too easier to go over your spending limit since we can no longer see the amount of items we have in inventory).

I like that the payment selection stays on whatever your recent selection was (especially since I usually select the inventory option), but that's about the only thing I do like about the new page.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,196
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so at this point should i just accept that we arent getting the help center back any time soon?
  • Posted messages: 28
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Looks like there's still a glitch when doing Nordic rides. I've messaged Contact so hopefully they are able to fix it soon.
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 3,011
  • Karma: 10 points
Any chance the old Upgrade Building feature will come back?
  • Posted messages: 57
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Why are my inventory crowns not appearing on the BM page when literally all my other inventory luck items are?? default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 811
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2022 00:43:42
How can you change your horses coat?
Retired breeder wrote:

How can you change your horses coat?

You need to post a topic in the Game Play forum if you have a question on Game Play, this topic is for discussing game changes by the dev team and its significantly harder to get your question answered if you hide it in the Events forum.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'change your horse's coat'. There are Customisation Black Market items that you can use to change the horse's picture by putting another coat over it, but you cannot change the horse's base coat. You can check out all the Customisation items on the Black Market page, have a look around. If you have an item, or passes to buy an item, you can choose the horse you want to put the item on, on the page of the item, then at the bottom of the page, you can choose how you want to buy the item (either by using one from inventory or by using passes). If this is not what you mean, then please do start a topic in the Game Play forum and explain what you mean.
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Check out this month's brand-new features in the new Devs’ Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 938
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Y'all should do a Clydesdale horse
Southern Girl
  • Posted messages: 8
  • Karma: 10 points
Thank you for Fixing Quindecim's page to let players know how many more times they can gather the passes.

Also thanks for fixing the team horse covering glitch
  • Posted messages: 13,232
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Rogin wrote:

Thank you for Fixing Quindecim's page to let players know how many more times they can gather the passes.

Mine's not showing that. Where does it say? I've been wanting this feature for a while default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 841
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PotionsPet wrote:

Mine's not showing that. Where does it say?
It's at the top right of Quindecim's page. A box stating how many passes collected so far, when they can be collected and what number out of 15 that your collection is working on.
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 3,011
  • Karma: 10 points
Right in the header of the box!

Thanks, Crystal Coven!
  • Posted messages: 841
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Ever since the update the game has been ridiculously slow for me and no, it isn't my computer, I've run several speed tests and my internet is faster than ever. I hope it clears up soon, as right there it's just really frustrating to play.
  • Posted messages: 11,398
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Is it just me or is anyone not seeing comp results when going to a horses page the first time after update? I entered 20 comps before update and they've all run but no results pop ups showed on any of the horse's pages.Or did Howrse remove the pop up?
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 3,011
  • Karma: 10 points
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