[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: March 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

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Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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The new BM interface pages are terrible.

So large and untidy. I liked knowing how many of the item I had whilst using it and I liked not having to scroll down to actually apply the item too, the hop page is especially cluttered!
  • Posted messages: 17,194
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haffyfan wrote:

The new BM interface pages are terrible.

So large and untidy. I liked knowing how many of the item I had whilst using it and I liked not having to scroll down to actually apply the item too, the hop page is especially cluttered!

i totally agree, it reminds me of the crown page (my least favourite luck item EVER), they've made that type of change to way too many pages when it's only suited to custom coat pages, even then it would be much better if we could see how many we have in stock like we used to,

you don't improve a game by removing good features...
  • Posted messages: 1,045
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So if teams can decide what horses can and can't be bred, why can't we use the phanes egg on any draft/donkey we want?!? Wasn't the reason we couldn't in the first place was something to do with teams?
And the HoP page just looks cluttered now, stop fixing things that aren't broken Howrse.
  • Posted messages: 3,164
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If you were trying to "sell" someone on the appeal of opening a HOP this would not be the way to do it. These graphical improvements are silly and don't tell me what I want to know.. how many I have left.
Who would have complained they didn't like the page? I mean sure people always complain about what they got IN them but not the page itself, at least not anyone I know.
  • Posted messages: 6,243
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Oathkeeper wrote:

I'm all for teams having the final say with what horses can and can't offer coverings from the team, but I am not all for that applying to horses sold before they set a GP. If I buy a horse from a team with 22000 GP, but then they set the GP to 21500, I suddenly can not breed a horse I paid for, which is very unfair. The restriction should only apply to horses that belonged to the team prior to it being set, not applied to horses sold before.

Like, I really want to buy a pair of top ungelded stock, which is still hundreds behind the team's top, but I am hesitant as they are several hundred passes each and that would be a big loss if the team decided to set a GP limit after they were sold. In short, I am really hesitant to buy team horses that I intend to breed due to the risk of me losing the ability to breed them at a later time, which means the team is losing out on possible sales.

Why would a team go backwards? I've never been on a team where a sales release was ever negative.
  • Posted messages: 6,243
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New HOP interface just looks like the Tyche's Crown which is awful to begin with. We know what we can win in it, why make it look like that? Makes zero sense. Also, now I can't see the number I have in my inventory on the HOP page. Boo!

Also the Help Center is still not back which confirms my suspicion they never intended to bring it back. I'm pretty positive they were planning to do away with it eventually but forgot to tell us they got rid of it last update... *eye roll*
  • Posted messages: 504
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segeorge wrote:

Also the Help Center is still not back which confirms my suspicion they never intended to bring it back. I'm pretty positive they were planning to do away with it eventually but forgot to tell us they got rid of it last update... *eye roll*

This better not be the case, there was so much info in there, answers to literally everything! I wish they'd just TELL US if they meant to discontinue it.

I for one hate using the Game Play forum for questions because people get so condescending in the answers. Like I'm sorry I'm not as wise as you, what a failure I am I didn't know the answer to this completely sensible question. Using the search filter in the help center pretty much answered everyone question I had, without any hassle default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 12,544
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New HOP page makes me wonder if they're going to change all the luck BMI pages to this format so that we can't tell how many we have left, so we're ideally less unhinged on using them/accidentally use passes without noticing.

Also like how they separated the prizes into wonk categories to make it feel like there's a better chance of getting "Divine" value prizes than there actually is. An Artemis Arrow or Black Orchid is pretty low in value compared to Hestia's Pack or Bonus Pack, or even the Nyx Pack or Harmony Pack from the "Precious" categories, but they're both categorized as Divine default smiley (o) Yeah the "Tyche's-model" page is just totally broken.
  • Posted messages: 1,529
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haffyfan wrote:

The new BM interface pages are terrible.

So large and untidy. I liked knowing how many of the item I had whilst using it and I liked not having to scroll down to actually apply the item too, the hop page is especially cluttered!

Yep, agree on that. No one complaint about the HoP page. Why changing it? I am sure Titans and Fleece are next.
Its totally crowded and absolutely not helpful.

AT LEAST, please make the icons smaller. I don't like this scrolling down all the time and I need to know how many I have left.
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Howrse are great at fixing things that don’t need fixing, mostly not for the good either default smiley :@ and ignoring things that players ask to be fixed, go figure default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 279
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Thanks, I hate it.
Bohemian Anna
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Ruffian wrote:

Why would a team go backwards? I've never been on a team where a sales release was ever negative.

Teams don't need to set a max GP to sell, but that doesn't stop one applying a max covering/sale GP after the horse have been sold, causing any ungelded stock over that limit to become unbreedable, even ones already sold. I've seen it happen to several people already, where they bought a horse at an earlier time, just to find they now can't breed it due to the team setting the max below the GP of the horse.

This is the message you get if the horse is over the team GP -

"x is a team horse and therefore cannot breed."
  • Posted messages: 11,398
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I am like everyone else that has already spoken about the HoP page changes. IT IS AWFUL! Why in the world did you change it at all? It was just fine the way it was & now it's a GAUDY MESS! Come on Howrse, you can do better than this. There was absolutely NOTHING WRONG with the HoP page. There was no reason to change it at all. Now instead of everything being right where we can see everything, you've messed it up so we have to scroll down to even be able to open one & on top of that you no longer tell us how many we have left. Talk about a DUMB UPDATE. I think you should rethink this one & go back to the old code. It wasn't broken, so don't fix it.

Please Do Not change any of the other pages like the HoP, it's awful. We don't like it, we don't want to keep it, go back to the old version, PRETTY PLEASE?!
  • Posted messages: 286
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I volunteered to test out the new up and coming update. My observation, opinion and suggestion for the New beta test platform session to be Released on or around October 4th 2022.

This test platform is EXTREMELY slow with loading and the lagging is very bad!

Also I want to add this… Yes I have the best gaming Wi-Fi internet for what’s offered in my area. I don’t know if where I’m located is relevant or not, but I am in the United States of America specifically the state of Louisiana.

What I am using: Fiber-Optic cable/lines, Upload Speed - 3,000Mbps Connection, Upload a 8 min. 4K video in less than 2.8 seconds, Download Speed - 4,000Mbps Connection, Download a 180-min. 4K movie in less than 32 seconds. Plus play and stream live MMORPG games.

I venture to guess that not many players on here have what I have. So with that being said, if it’s Snail Slow for me it Will Be crashing, freezing and completely unplayable for most players on here.

I have no idea why it’s doing this or what exactly y’all are changing to make the platform and servers do this but that’s for y’all to figure out on y’all’s end.

Hope y’all fix this before the new platform is launched!

RECOMMENDATION: Update the platform for players to be able to search in the criteria for “Companions” for both internal (player owned howrses) and external (howrses in the sales). I can’t tell you how many howrses (I have 43,000+ howrses) I have with “Companions” that are hidden and mixed up throughout my Breeding Farm. I’m very certain that over 90% of players will agree with me on this.

AQHA Cowgirl
AQHA Cowgirl
  • Posted messages: 154
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Does this mean that 24 VIP memberships are no longer offered in HOPs? I don't see them listed there? They were always a great surprise a few times a year.

  • Posted messages: 6,540
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*24 hour VIP memberships
  • Posted messages: 6,540
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EmmaKate66 wrote:


Does this mean that 24 VIP memberships are no longer offered in HOPs? I don't see them listed there? They were always a great surprise a few times a year.


I've personally never gotten one and have opened hundreds of horns over the last year, so either they are really elusive, or they were removed as a possible prize.
  • Posted messages: 11,398
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Oathkeeper wrote:

I've personally never gotten one and have opened hundreds of horns over the last year, so either they are really elusive, or they were removed as a possible prize.

My thought is that they only appear for those players who qualify for VIP but haven't subscribed as a way to tempt you. Once you have two days playing with the features it is very bleak going back. I have got them regularly twice a year or so but I see the last time was in January so perhaps you are right and they have been removed.

Or maybe since my Altair awakened I don't qualify anymore. default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 6,540
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True Oathkeeper. I had one years ago, don't remember for sure when, but not in the last year. Maybe they removed it....??
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AQHA Cowgirl wrote:

This test platform is EXTREMELY slow with loading and the lagging is very bad!
AQHA Cowgirl wrote:

Hope y’all fix this before the new platform is launched!

It's normal for the test server to be slow, due to the data they bring, or don't bring over from the live version.

I'm not disagreeing that the live version hasn't been slow lately, because I've definitely been getting tons of hang-ups again while working horses, but the slowness of the test server isn't necessarily indicative of how an event will function when it goes live.
Legacy Ann
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Were the emojis always called 'Small Icons' in the PMs?? Like why would you change something like that..'Ah yes, these EMOJIS are not very emoji-like. Small icon would suit them better' default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 12,544
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Oh perhaps they were called Smileys, not Emojis? I can't remember
  • Posted messages: 12,544
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Can’t quote you Oath, but in reference to team sales, and for anyone else who reads this, they CAN and will go backwards with their GP release for sales, and coverings intentionally so when you spend the money to buy a horse, you are basically... you know what, I know for a fact because it was done on an Appaloosa team. They put horses in sales for 1k passes, and right after they were bought(I have screenshots) they set their GP almost 100 points below so you couldn’t resell. But still have horses above that in sales that were there before they reset it. Won’t name names. But they are still in sales default smiley (lol)

The ability to do the settings like that shouldn’t be allowed to be changed or affect a horse that has been sold. It’s highly UNFAIR and scammer like to the purchasing player. Should also automatically pull any other horses in sales above that GP from the team.
Wouldn’t be an issue but some players and teams can’t be honest and have no couth whatsoever.
Not sure who to complain to because I’ve said something about it before and nothing was done- this was prior to the GP setting and a player intentionally put horses in sales above the release. Teams have become less fun. Although it’s only ever been with the appies that I’ve ever seen anything like it personally. I’ve been on many others breed teams and never once had seen issues with players dropping above release on purpose. But the GP release setting should be refined a bit more for these reasons
красивая девушка
  • Posted messages: 418
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I just want to add- at this point I have no desire to complain about what happened with the drops, I was just saying all that to explain how teams can and will go backwards on GP setting in reference to what a player had stated. That time has come and gone and we are well past it
красивая девушка
  • Posted messages: 418
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Anyone having problems loading the app version of the game? Iv tried multiple times the last 2 days.
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