[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: March 2025

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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putting on my clown shoes for thinking they'd ever address the trophy extravaganza in these updates
  • Posted messages: 78
  • Karma: 10 points
  • Seniority: 3,118 days
Realms wrote:

Confused on what it means no longer passes by accident? I thought it meant the default selection would be to use an item and not passes, but when I went to put an MA on a horse it still selected passes by default. So, what was the change?

I did the same thing… I would LOVE this change… if it actually did what it seems to claim…
  • Posted messages: 834
  • Karma: 10 points
"We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications"
Here's my feedback.

Added a 'TikTok' button on the home page and the page footer. - Don't care, never use it.

The twisted horsetail braid is now for sale. - Don't care.

On the equestrian center employees page of the mobile version, the information on any valid expert diploma is now displayed. - Don't care.

Since it has the same design, the Ow's Helios' Ray called 'Medieval Kingdoms' has been removed and replaced by another one called 'Isolated Kingdom'. - Don't care.

The Ow's Helios' Rays called 'Rider's Store' have been merged into a single animated one. - Don't care

Corrected a bug that occurred when searching for draft horses or donkeys with remaining coverings. - Never had a problem.

It is no longer possible to use passes by mistake on items you have the benefit of and meet the conditions for. - Nice, if it's true.

Corrected a bug that enabled two coverings at once, resulting in the wrong number of coverings. - Never had a problem.

Corrected a bug on the mobile version where the covering offers for some male horses with a team affix were not being displayed. - Doesn't affect me.

References to non-existent equestrian center forums have been removed from the equestrian center manual. - Don't care.

default smiley :@
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,155
  • Karma: 10 points
Realms wrote:

Confused on what it means no longer passes by accident? I thought it meant the default selection would be to use an item and not passes, but when I went to put an MA on a horse it still selected passes by default. So, what was the change?

I asked on the UK forum and was told by an Admin that it's about the Tear and Fertility Wand Privileges.
Which from what I've heard makes no sense because apparently those were already the default options to begin with if the player has those privileges?
  • Posted messages: 217
  • Karma: 10 points
ShadowKokufu wrote:

The last Chimera trophy is for 400 help requests/clicks.

Again, I have a suspicion that Howrse is going broke because all they do is chase their players away. They have no money and someone pointed out that it is cheaper to run a mobile version than a desktop, hence I think they're being cheap and failing hopelessly. Just look at all their cash grabs of late because of all the players they chase away.. I suspect that the only reason that they haven't converted more features to mobile yet is because they realised that it is a big mistake now that their income was stunned from the desktop players "rebelling". They already prepared certain features for conversion (e.g adding ECs to mobile so they can remove them from desktop) but they haven't acted out the plan, which says something to me. They're desperate for money and they refuse to admit it so they just stopped updating the game their direction.. temporarily. Unless they just don't have funding and they start shutting down big servers and then shutting down the entire game. But that's all my opinions.

I also think that they only keep the old version of the game for a month after updating to a newer version, so all the trophies and whatnot that we had would have been erased by now and they simply can't go back without redoing the entire thing (which is what I'll push for because i also hate the update..) but this is Howrse and you can't ever expect quality or even transparency from them, let alone admitting to and fixing their mistakes so I highly doubt we'll ever go back.

I was having the same thought about them needing money actually. There seems to be an influx of them trying to get us to "buy, buy, buy!" Like the recent Dragon divine they were offering fragments for. If you didn't already have fragments, it would cost you about $70 dollars or so in order to get it. And there have been so many others and pass ufos showing up more frequently.
  • Posted messages: 20
  • Karma: 10 points
Day 84 of waiting for my collections to come back.

Day 8 of waiting for Howrse to realize why they're bleeding money (because a good chunk of their players don't care to buy their passes anymore) and what they need to do to fix it (give us our collections back)
  • Posted messages: 183
  • Karma: 10 points
Scorsone wrote:

putting on my clown shoes for thinking they'd ever address the trophy extravaganza in these updates
oh they have. it's "we have been given your feedback and there are no changes to report" and they'd kindly like everyone to shut up and forget about it and also hey just give them your bank account while you're still here. : )
  • Posted messages: 578
  • Karma: 10 points
WaffleCorporation wrote:

Like the recent Dragon divine they were offering fragments for. If you didn't already have fragments, it would cost you about $70 dollars or so in order to get it.

If it was one of the custom packs, they are unique to every player and we all get them at different times. default smiley :) Sometimes you get offers for a divine/special you barely have any fragments for, other times you get an offer that you only need to buy a pack or two for if you wish to finish the meter with it.
  • Posted messages: 11,398
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I'm reading the new 'Rules of Conduct' page -- what exactly does "SMS language" mean and entail under "Behaviour in communication channels"?
  • Posted messages: 5,340
  • Karma: 10 points
wynter12 wrote:

"SMS language

It means chatspeak, like 'lol' or 'btw' or 'wdym' etc default smiley :)

It's been a standard rule ever since I've played because lots of players use translating apps!
  • Posted messages: 9,713
  • Karma: 10 points
Ah, alright. I had a feeling it was just an updated chatspeak rule. "SMS language" kind of sounds like an outdated term though.default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 5,340
  • Karma: 10 points
wynter12 wrote:

Ah, alright. I had a feeling it was just an updated chatspeak rule. "SMS language" kind of sounds like an outdated term though.default smiley xd

Haha yeah it is very outdated! Might be something to do with the french translation though! default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 9,713
  • Karma: 10 points
So they released a new item as a grand prize just to make it a store item the NEXT day? default smiley (o)

Also I'm not sure what the update was the to rules page. I thought maybe it would be different but it seems like they just copy-pasted the old rules page into the Help section. Was it not there before? Did I miss something?

Not super happy with the Ow Ray coats being merged to animated-only. (I know it was just one, but it's a bad trend to get into.) Does that mean players who had the non-animated coats now have it animated? Cause I know people find the animated coats difficult to work with. I don't put them on horses because the movements in the background distract and make it impossible to care for my horses, I only use the still ones. Personally I'd prefer if every animated option had a non-animated variant, instead of the other way around.

Switching the BMI purchases from "passes by default" to not is a good change. That was always frustrating to have happen, so I'm glad they fixed it.

And yet, still no trophy update. default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 30,047
  • Karma: 10 points
Crookedstar915 wrote:

So they released a new item as a grand prize just to make it a store item the NEXT day?

The one offered in the store is the old one not the new one that was just released.
  • Posted messages: 13,232
  • Karma: 10 points
Oh, okay. That makes slightly more sense, although I still don't know why having two different versions at all was a good idea. I can't tell them apart in my inventory.
  • Posted messages: 30,047
  • Karma: 10 points
Brand new 'code of conduct' �� I like it as at least we know the rules a bit better now
Crash Bandicoot
  • Posted messages: 11,608
  • Karma: 10 points
Am I the only one not surprised about the trophy change being reverted back to the old ways?
Joking, I'm sure I'm not the only one.

This is not the first time I've seen a major issue recieve a multitude of legitimate (emphasis on legitimate, and there have been quite a lot) complaints only to be swept under the rug.
I was not active for several months, but I do remember what it used to be like. I come back, wonder what on earth has happened, and recieve prize after prize after prize. Originally, I thought it was neat. After all, you're getting "rewarded" for hard work, and I even recieved a falabella. Not sure how rare that is, but it did feel like I was clicking for forever.
default smiley xd
When I realized the uniqueness of these trophies were no longer displayed, I started to understand the uproar. Sure, it looks all neat and modern. An odd assortment of trophies never bothered me, though, and I personally admired the random, artistic assortment to illustrate what each person specialized in.

This kind of reminds me of when there used to be an abundance of giveaways, and people offered horses as prizes. Howrse "changed" things, and it's sad to see that nothing has been addressed about it, still.

I just don't understand why the major, major adjustments can't be decided with the help of the Howrse community, the very people who are playing. Might I suggest a voting system, which would truly represent the majority?

So much has changed. I see lazy outcomes and "solutions" more often than I'd like to. I miss the old Howrse, I feel like horses in this game are becoming less and less the highlight.

The code of conduct... I'll probably never refer to it. A lot of it is simply common sense, but I guess we have to make things more official and modern looking? I just really don't see the point, I guess, despite many of its points being valid.
  • Posted messages: 10,478
  • Karma: 10 points
Crookedstar915 wrote:

Switching the BMI purchases from "passes by default" to not is a good change. That was always frustrating to have happen, so I'm glad they fixed it.

They didn't. They just can't be bothered to properly write out the changes they make; according to an Admin on the UK server it's about the Privileges, so Tears and Wands.
  • Posted messages: 217
  • Karma: 10 points
Thank you for the survey. It was very comprehensive. I'm hoping the creation space and equestrian centers aren't at risk as those questions seemed a "Do you use".

I appreciated the open answer question:

"If you had a magic wand, what would you change about the game?"

It made me feel like there is some dialogue happening and I hope we will see some trophy changes soon.
  • Posted messages: 6,540
  • Karma: 10 points
Laughing at the survey when it asked how many divines you have -- would have been super easy to check with the OLD trophy page, now I had to go in and manually count
  • Posted messages: 136
  • Karma: 10 points
I think that survey was promising honestly! Very in-depth questions, it will be interesting to see what comes of it
  • Posted messages: 12,544
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If they lowered the price of passes I'd for sure be likely to buy them. $14 for 1k is absolutely INSANE. Thats why I only buy when I get the 2k for $14, cause then it's $7/1k
That or I only buy the Christmas packs

Also I'm sure if they sold the wand/tear privs for $20 a month, people would surely buy it (I know I would) Or offer privs in the larger pack when we get the monthly divine frag packs. I'd be more willing to purchase them. I only ever buy the large packs when I have $ to spare and it's offering the nyx with the packs.

I fear that they're going to make free passes harder to get so that they can try and coerce people into purchasing passes for $
  • Posted messages: 4,583
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could barely fill out the survey because on the 20 questions page it keep jumping back to the top the moment I scrolled to the next subject and changing the rating on another topic entirely. hooray.

also no sms talk? howrse *literally* has default smiley (lol) as its third listed emoji.
  • Posted messages: 578
  • Karma: 10 points
EmmaKate66 wrote:

I'm hoping the creation space and equestrian centers aren't at risk as those questions seemed a "Do you use".

I would like to think that they wouldn't, the creation space uses tons of resources every month, be that in item form or pass form. while the equestrian centers take a lot of work to build up and can be quite expensive to run due to needing the diploma and vet for the max bonus. I personally worked really hard and spent a ton to get my center into the top 100, so it would be nothing short of a slap in the face if they just took that away.
  • Posted messages: 11,398
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answrs wrote:

also no sms talk? howrse *literally* has default smiley (lol) as its third listed emoji.
That one likely has minimal effect on players who translate because it's an icon they can skip over if they're copy pasting into a translator. For English speakers not familiar with chat speak, "lol" is usually the one that's recognizable.

The big issue is full-on posts, or even just frequent abbreviations, that will throw people off. For all that I make notes in my own form of chatspeak, and grew up while chatspea was just emerging, I struggle to read the digital language, and would be at a loss if it were fully allowed in the forums
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,196
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