[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: August 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Is the Horn of Plenty special moving permanently to weekdays instead of being part of the weekend special? Because I would have appreciated a heads-up about that. Maybe, you know, in the monthly announcements you guys do that occurred the week before this change?
  • Posted messages: 46
  • Karma: 10 points
Wildmage wrote:

Is the Horn of Plenty special moving permanently to weekdays instead of being part of the weekend special? Because I would have appreciated a heads-up about that. Maybe, you know, in the monthly announcements you guys do that occurred the week before this change?
Which special? Beside the Wind today, the last divine/companion offers have still been during the weekend. We also had a full weekend of reserved sales, so that may have temporarily changed up the schedule
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,277
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Not the Horn of Plenty one, which is what I specifically asked about. The HOP did not have a special this weekend, and then this morning the HOP special dropped. It’s for Libertonus, and is scheduled to continue until April 26th at 02:00, which is Friday. It’s literally listed in the banner right now. That’s a day longer than the weekend specials, if it was just some sort of error that accidentally offset the HOP special, then it should expire on the 25th, Thursday,
  • Posted messages: 46
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Yes, and besides the Wind today, the last ones have been during the weekend as normal. This is the first in some time that a divine has been in a HoP during the week, but it could just be because of all the reserved sales we had going on.

None of the luck items are on set schedules, or necessarily fixed to the weekends (despite that being the norm), so for them to during the week isn't unheard of. I wouldn't expect it to be a permanent thing, but you could ask Contact Us to be sure.default smiley :)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,277
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Howrse goes off script sometimes. I like imagining since we have such a big spoiler culture here, that sometimes they like to take a left turn to keep us on our toes.

"So, you think you know every spoiler, eh? Well, you might know the next three promos in advance, as well as all the prizes. And, you might know the next 10 brand new divines across multiple series', as well as the new God's divine for the Ascent. Also, every brand new feature, item, and companion. As well as the ability to predict what weekend divines are coming next and the timeframe between each of them... But, I bet you won't see this random weekday HoP offer coming! Surprise! We also put the 5th element up for sale, too!default smiley (b)"
  • Posted messages: 5,277
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Jade Heart wrote:

So is there any talk about replacement of the companions we lost in this update? I know not all of my divines had companions, but most of them did. Now it seems like every other one is missing one. I guess on the plus side is I might get a new trophy for adding companions again. Really not that worth it though.

I do like the sorting thing on searching for companions to add, but could definitely wish for the big blue button to go away.

I highly doubt it Jade Heart - I just logged on after having been afk for a while. I can see that many of my divine are now missing their companions.
There is no way I can prove they had companions, not to mention WHAT companions I had assigned to each horse.

I wont even bother to up a ticket - I know what answer I'll get---- another great change howrse default smiley (n)

I do not play Greek "divine" events, I highly dislike the feature.
But I still feel your pain for those of you that do like the feature.

As to the NEW button on each and every horse divine or no, not to mention the change button. Enough with the weird and money grabbing changes already.... Ubisoft
  • Posted messages: 9,702
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Also not happy with the new changes. Literally all they needed to do was add the bonus under the companions name when selecting one from “Items” on horse pages. That’s it. I am confused on people losing divines’ companions though? Mine still seem to be there?
  • Posted messages: 158
  • Karma: 10 points
Also, on top of the new changes being awful, clunky, and in the way, why can you not filter by family? Seems pretty weird.
  • Posted messages: 46
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At least the giant blue tag on the companion box was finally removed. But it's still annoying and I keep thinking that I need to board my horses for some reason. We don't need a whole box just sitting there empty - I'm not going to give all of my horses companions just because there's an annoying butting sitting there demanding that I do.

I'd threaten to stop buying passes but I never have, and if I did I'd have stopped with the trophy update. Anyway, getting rid of the blue tag wasn't enough.

I also still don't like the box of "who spent a bunch of passes to get the latest divine faster than you?" on my horse's private page. Why not have that list on the special horses page? Like - "this fancy beast is a Parrot chimera, and these people got one first!" I'm sure somebody cares about bragging rights but most of us don't want it shoved in our faces every time we work our horses.

P.S. I continue to be upset at the trophy update.
  • Posted messages: 954
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Sorry, autocorrect going crazy.
  • Posted messages: 954
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Yes, I'm glad the giant blue tag is gone but PLEASE get rid of the GREEN CROSS! It's absolutely irritating! NO, it does not encourage me to buy a pet but I keep thinking I haven't put my howrses to bed. Absolutely hate it! default smiley (li) default smiley (li)
Arabians are best
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I don't know if this is the place to post this ,but let me know otherwisedefault smiley (y) I am having issues with demonstrating to Howrse ,that I DID purchase passes and they never showed up . Does anyone know how to prove that this purchase was made. I have sent details ,but not accepted ! HELP please ! Thank you
  • Posted messages: 258
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Do you have the email confirmation or the bank debit line to prove you bought them and the pass history to show it didn’t come through? That’s the only thing I can think of
  • Posted messages: 494
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essiejarvis wrote:

I don't know if this is the place to post this ,but let me know otherwisedefault smiley (y) I am having issues with demonstrating to Howrse ,that I DID purchase passes and they never showed up . Does anyone know how to prove that this purchase was made. I have sent details ,but not accepted ! HELP please ! Thank you

A few other people have been having issues similar to this, if you opened a question in the gameplay forum or messaged a mod they should be able to help.
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The game has been updated! Check out the latest features via the newest Dev’s Corner.

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 938
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I have already sent a report ticket in, but I could also put it here, the game is totally bugged, BMIs disappeared from the popup list (when I try to put them on my horses) on desktop version, except the elemental BMIs, and now, the market page does not work for me, it's loading a maintenance-is-over info page.
  • Posted messages: 1,513
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Everything has disappeared from my inventory!!default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 5
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Also, BMIs inventory is totally empty right now for me, only the elemental BMIs and my privileges are enlisted. I suppose this is the reason I do not see BMIs when I try to put them on my horses (in the popup with BMIs on desktop version).
  • Posted messages: 1,513
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My BMIs are still here thankfully (for now at least default smiley (o)) but I am still missing a significant number of companions that were on my divines before the previous update. Howrse got rid of them so well that they weren't even on the test server when I logged on.

I am still not happy. Give me back the collection companions that you stole, Howrse. I spent YEARS collecting them. default smiley (li)default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 795
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We got new Nordic trophy, finally default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 224
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I hate all the layout changes done to the mobile version, is it just me? It’s all so big I find hard to actually look at anything
  • Posted messages: 494
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I hate the layout changes for mobile as well, it looked fine before and now it feels too clunky and cartoonish even. I wish it was at least a toggle option or something. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 6
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Yeah, not a fan of the mobile changes. Too cluttered, and it’s hard to find the info I actually care about.
  • Posted messages: 179
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What changes were done to the mobile version? Everything looks the same to me, unless I'm overlooking a page.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,277
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Everything is somewhat bigger and chunkier, to the point that the prices in the sales almost get out of the frame of each horse. Instead of 3 rows of horses or categories I also only have place for 2 now
  • Posted messages: 494
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