[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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I'm so impatient... default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 31st January 2015 00:50:33
λzeroth wrote:

I'm so impatient... default smiley xd

Aren't we all default smiley (lol) But as update have been push to the end of February, then perform has also been pushed. I wouldn't expect it any sooner than the second week of February.
Retired breeder wrote:

I wouldn't expect it any sooner than the second week of February.

Now we wait...and wait...and wait... default smiley :'(
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Wait. What's a prepod again?!
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Kate wrote:

Wait. What's a prepod again?!

Preprod is the test server...
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Oh ok. default smiley :p that's what I thought
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Yeah, what is prepod? Its been so long since its been active that I think ive forgotten what it is....

default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 31st January 2015 03:42:32
The preprod, short for preproduction, is the test server where some players (all of which are VIP or handselected by the Howrse staff) test out the updates and things before they are released to all players.
I believe War Eagle was just joking .....
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In regards to Drafts - I'm bringing this one forward again for those who might not have seen this yet...

Click to display
I found these two images while hunting around the Internet (they are shots from Equideow - the French Howrse). Since some were confused by the original image, I highlighted the Breed in question, and translated some of the other breed names (as there was some confusion about a handful of them). Also, keep in mind this shot is from the Oldest Howrse Server, and also has breeds that we do not have here (of course, that might change in time but who knows)

The Create a Team page - since teams breed and care for horses, the fact that a Draft (Shire) is showing up in the option for a Team seems to mean that we will be able to care and train them like other horses.

The Breeder of Each Species trophy - note that the number shown is one higher than the current number of species (6 - horse, pony, donkey, unicorn, pegasus, and winged unicorn)...This seems to indicate that Draft will be a new species of their own.

Note that both of these images were chalked up to being a hiccup in the system that caused them to show early. (Think of it like how the Balios Trophy updated to saying X/6, yet only showed the 5 different ones before the 6th one (Volcanic) was added to the game)

Other than these little bits of information - Nothing else has been revealed or is known about Drafts (So which breed(s), what skills, how they breed, how they look, etc.)
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You do realize, this length of time, everyone will forget how to make a spoiler or will be so excited, they will be all messed up.default smiley :d
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It's been so long since I saw anyone BESIDES VIP'S get into preprod.. they used to invite so many regular players as welldefault smiley ;)
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Some people where saying the new drafts might be like normal horses or like calfs...? How would they be like calfs??
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Kate wrote:

How would they be like calfs??

The calves we now have for the western ecs. Can't interact with them at all, you just buy them for a time and then they go away and you have to buy new ones.
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By Retired breeder, 31st January 2015 13:53:00
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

This is not in the appropriate topic. Please go to the friend finding one
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I am not a VIP and I was invited to the last testing site. I hadn't logged in for a while so I didn't see the invite until after the testing was done.
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By Retired breeder, 31st January 2015 14:51:51
Um how do you put a spoiler on your forum?
By Retired breeder, 31st January 2015 14:54:03
katiedingo wrote:

Up date was moved to end of month.

[Spoiler*] text [/spoiler*]

Remove the *

This is how you do a spoiler banner.
Drafts would be boring then D:
  • Posted messages: 8,389
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AnonymousPeon wrote:

It's been so long since I saw anyone BESIDES VIP'S get into preprod.. they used to invite so many regular players as welldefault smiley ;)

They still do - I think the VIP slots are limited 150-250 spaces. The rest are all luck of the draw PMs.

However, I will agree it does seem like that due to how active the VIPs tend to be on Preprod (as some of the non-VIPs/newer players chosen don't quite understand preprod...or they forget about it (like I do from time to time))
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By Retired breeder, 31st January 2015 16:47:19
I have a question about preprod- do you have to buy passes there too or do they give you some for testing? Does everything from your account transfer over, or how does it work? Does what you do on prepaid affect international?
By Retired breeder, 31st January 2015 16:49:29
Click to display

So excited!!!!!

Pass Buying is disable on Preprod (The page - while it can be access, has an error message on it preventing the purchase of passes)

A copy of your account will be transferred over - however, sometimes it is from an earlier point in time (For example; on the last Preprod session - I did not have one of my Divines as I had won him after the copy of my account had been made)

You are given 10,000,000e and 1,000 passes on Preprod to test out features and the like [in addition to what you have on your account when it is copied over]

Note however that NOTHING you do on Preprod transfers over or affects your Int. account (so if you win a Divine in testing, you will not have it on here when testing ends. If you give your horse every single BMI on Preprod, he won't have them here).

*This is an OLD screen shot of Preprod. Note the ridiculous amount of Passes/Equus and the note that says 'Test version' in the left hand corner of the page

Click to display
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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Retired breeder wrote:

Click to display

So excited!!!!!

I'll say *looks at her Dew* - I want my little Brook so I can complete my set (it would make my 7th complete set of Divines*)

*This is assuming that no more Chinese, Prehistoric, or Season Divines are added (though I don't know what one could add for Season Divines as there are only Four seasons besides maybe one called Solstice and one called Equinox to represent the change of the seasons)
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