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Yeah, no where near them. Lol. I might google it when I get the chance to.
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By Retired breeder, 29th January 2015 00:34:10
Anyone have a guess of when the test server will open now that it has been prolonged? I'm really excited about some of these new changes coming up (mostly the drafts).
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone have a guess of when the test server will open now that it has been prolonged? I'm really excited about some of these new changes coming up (mostly the drafts).

maybe a week or 2?
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Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone have a guess of when the test server will open now that it has been prolonged? I'm really excited about some of these new changes coming up (mostly the drafts).

Given that most test sessions run for two or three weeks, I'd say sometime within the next week.

And don't be too excited about the Drafts - they will probably be one of the last things added (which means anywhere between March *as the next batch of changes is now scheduled for the end of February to 10 years from now default smiley ;))
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By Retired breeder, 29th January 2015 00:53:46
Ten years from now
By Retired breeder, 29th January 2015 00:55:38
ShorahNagi wrote:

the end of February to 10 years from now

If Howrse plans on running that long then I'm a donkey! default smiley xd

That's quite a long time, though, honestly.
It does seem like a long time, but then how long did a lot of players ask for a smartphone app (which lets be honest, is ignored and glitchy), western competitions, tack, winged unicorns, etc.

The game started when....'07, and it's '15 now. So yeah, it seems long, but hardly a stretch.
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I'm just picking random time periods out of nothing (for all we know, they could be added tomorrow [doubtful, but I can dreamdefault smiley (7)])

Though 10 years for something to be added isn't that far off. I joined in 2009, and even then (and probably before then) People wanted Winged Unicorns in the Ideas Forum.

They were finally added in 2013...That's a minimum of Five Years of people wanting something before it was added
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BRM wrote:

a smartphone app (which lets be honest, is ignored and glitchy

I use it...when I'm in the car...or on the school bus...[even during school. default smiley :$ ]
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λzeroth wrote:

I use it...when I'm in the car...or on the school bus...[even during school. default smiley :$ ]

It's not terrible for those that do simple tasks or just need to log in and care for one horse when they're really busy. But for me, I prefer the desktop version since I do a good deal on both the breeding and EC side of Howrse. The app is terrible for serious ECs.
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λzeroth wrote:

I use it...when I'm in the car...or on the school bus...[even during school. default smiley :$ ]

Shame on you for the school useage (unless its during lunch, before school, or during a free period [is guilty of playing games on her lap top back in her school days if she was done with her work for the day])

And I will agree the app. does have a lot of issues...but it sure makes my breaks in work much more entertaining (lets face it, one can only play Candy Crush and other games like that for so long before they become boring (true, that can happen with Howrse as well - but hey, at least there's the forums))
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Well we could from a group meet, I live a day trip to to Buds largest breeding farm. Plus we have some very old hidden from the public Amish communities with some fine breeding farms.

I think there are really 3 or 4 Bud farms in the state. One is so close the use the next town over (home of the mules) for bringing the new guys out for public attention. Its a smaller beer wagon with only 2 horses to get them started.

I am hoping you all know what Bud is, I cant remember how its spelled, and you won't find sny in our house, we are more into micro brews and Scottish Ales.
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katiedingo wrote:

Well we could from a group meet, I live a day trip to to Buds largest breeding farm. Plus we have some very old hidden from the public Amish communities with some fine breeding farms.

I think there are really 3 or 4 Bud farms in the state. One is so close the use the next town over (home of the mules) for bringing the new guys out for public attention. Its a smaller beer wagon with only 2 horses to get them started.

I am hoping you all know what Bud is, I cant remember how its spelled, and you won't find sny in our house, we are more into micro brews and Scottish Ales.

That would be cool. It'd be really awesome to find other Howrsers in my area that are my age. But I have trouble getting to meetings with Con peoples, how likely is it I'd be able to go to Howrser meetings. Lol.
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By Retired breeder, 29th January 2015 01:25:01
Thanks ShorahNagi! I know they will probably be one of that last changes updated. I'm still excited for them and hope they will be a new breed. It does take a while to make a new breed so I do understand, if that is what they are doing, why it will be one of the later changes. I'm hoping it will be in a month or two though. I love draft horses! Will they be on the test server after this February one possibly?
Retired breeder wrote:

Will they be on the test server after this February one possibly?

It's possible, but who knows (except the Admins, and they sure aren't talking)
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Ah moonrider, you in the frozen area, I was suppose to go to CN Monday, but put it off until next week. We had 70° today, freezing tomorrow. Snow Sat. Yuck,
Glad I washed my truck today and got a good ride in.
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ShorahNagi wrote:

(except the Admins, and they sure aren't talking)

Perhaps we need to bring out the baked goods. Maybe then they'll talk default smiley (6) Mwahahahaha.
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ShorahNagi wrote:

(except the Admins, and they sure aren't talking)

Perhaps we need to bring out the baked goods. Maybe then they'll talk default smiley (6) Mwahahahaha.
ShorahNagi wrote:

(except the Admins, and they sure aren't talking)
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Ack! It did something weird! Stupid internet!
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katiedingo wrote:

Ah moonrider, you in the frozen area, I was suppose to go to CN Monday, but put it off until next week. We had 70° today, freezing tomorrow. Snow Sat. Yuck,
Glad I washed my truck today and got a good ride in.

Luckily no, I'm much further south where if we get snow we're doomed (overly dramatic music). But still in the US, just southern US......we make every state around us look good. default smiley xd
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ShorahNagi wrote:

To me, Brook looks just a Brook should;

Click to display
When I first saw him, I was put in mind of water seeping through and over mountain rocks - just like a babbling brook does. Though I'll agree I did think that there would be a bit more water in his image, but I still love his overall look (we needed more 'Earthy' divines)

Eh, I guess... He just does has a lot of rock... More water might make me happy default smiley :p anyway. Whatever. I don't plan on owning him XD maybe he will grow on me..
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By Retired breeder, 29th January 2015 02:50:34
So I am assuming Howrse's embarrassing server crash was do to them trying to start new features that weren't perfectly compatible with the host; causing it to bring down the site. Now that is just a legitimate possibility, but not necessarily what happened. My question is: is anyone in the tech department willing to admit what happened, and fill in the other curious/worried players.

By Retired breeder, 29th January 2015 03:13:58
Hey guys! I forgot, what are the various prizes for the GC? For example you get a HoP of you collect 70 horseshoes or so. Thanksdefault smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

So I am assuming Howrse's embarrassing server crash was do to them trying to start new features that weren't perfectly compatible with the host; causing it to bring down the site. Now that is just a legitimate possibility, but not necessarily what happened. My question is: is anyone in the tech department willing to admit what happened, and fill in the other curious/worried players.

I wouldn't call it embarrassing at all.

A server crashing can do so without any new input causing it to do so. Outside factors could have created this problem just as easily.

For the most part this is one of the most stable games I have been with.default smiley (y)

You want to see unstable( and total lack of communication)....just go to Farmville.default smiley (n)
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22000th post!!! default smiley :p and I think brook is pretty pretty default smiley xd
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