[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 20:58:38
jlmiller wrote:

Darkness see my post above yours

I don't see how any of that was rude, it's nothing no other player has said before, it's just when starkitty says it she is rude. I really don't see it.
By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 20:59:05
"no other player hasn't said before"
I honestly don't see how your not seeing that as rude
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jlmiller wrote:

who me?

I'm not going to name anyone, because I don't want to be brought into it, but not just you.
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By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:03:46
To the players who are arguing, can you please stop? This is a topic for spoilers, not for arguments. If you find something abusive, you can report it and forget about it. If not, don't join in and make it worse. It's not that big of a deal.
By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:04:09
Okay, can we please get back to figuring out what's coming up in the next updates and stop arguing over opinions? And that doesn't mean respond to his, it means waiting till someone asks a question and answering it. default smiley ^)
Just nevermind. Cant post anything without starting an arguementioned or get yelled at. Jeez.
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Stupid auto correct
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"we already have a feature that ensures that a horse is never sold: it is called not selling the horse. "
I would call that a fact. If you don't want to have your horse sold, then don't sell it, how is pointing that out rude?

— — —

Retired breeder wrote:

But for those players more squeamish about it,

"those oh-so-squeamish players"
Rude because in my opinion they are overdoing it with the squeamishness? Ok, then I hereby officially announce/request that the "oh-so-" is to be not read any more in my post to not insult anyone. Because it really was not supposed to offend. default smiley :)
— — —

"nothing more than a means to get equus or whether they are their 4-legged pixel friends and need to be protected from even one wrong feeding."
Again I ask, why is that rude? Either you think that making money by selling horses is acceptable including all possible consequences of such a sale (a way of thinking that is perfectly fine).
Or you think/pretend that you really care for your horses and wish them to be protected from everything and all that (which is also a perfectly fine way of thinking).
All I expect people to do is to make up their mind about which way they want to go with either all or some of their horses and then act accordingly. How is it rude to expect people to only do what is in their own interest?
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Sorry for posting after the official truce was announced, I type too slow default smiley xd

Just ignore me if it would heat things up again otherwise default smiley :$
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It's just the way it's sound the way you put it. There Don and said
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auto correct is not my friend today
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By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:14:43
So I know in that picture ShoarhNagi posted a lot of the breeds were in French. Does that mean Shire actually translates to another breed or is Shire the English name?
By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:17:32
Anyone know if we will get a warning/notice BEFORE the February updates happen telling us the exact day they are effective? Just so I'm prepared... Really not looking forward to them
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know if we will get a warning/notice BEFORE the February updates happen telling us the exact day they are effective? Just so I'm prepared... Really not looking forward to them

We might, the changes are pretty big. default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:22:07
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know if we will get a warning/notice BEFORE the February updates happen telling us the exact day they are effective? Just so I'm prepared... Really not looking forward to them

You can always check back here and see when preproduction opens and closes, once it closes then they'd should come pretty fast.
@ginnieiddie I don't think we would get one before hand...just possibly after...

Question, anyone have an idea when Preprod will be starting up?
T i g r e s s
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By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:22:24
Retired breeder wrote:

So I know in that picture ShoarhNagi posted a lot of the breeds were in French. Does that mean Shire actually translates to another breed or is Shire the English name?

Good question. I believe that Shire is the same name in both languages.
By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:23:22
T i g r e s s wrote:

@ginnieiddie I don't think we would get one before hand...just possibly after...

Question, anyone have an idea when Preprod will be starting up?

I'm not even sure if there is a certain date or if they actually tell you the date. It might be random.
I have been on preprod since before the magic ride and it seems forever ago!
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By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:29:43
jlmiller wrote:

I have been on preprod since before the magic ride and it seems forever ago!

Just became a VIP a month or two ago so does prepod usually start on a monday or something? Is it a time after the update or what? default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:32:58
As far is I know, you'll be notified when it opens, but it isn't yet. Corrected me if I'm wrong though, I'm not a VIP, that's just what I heard.
By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:33:20
It opens and closes irregularly too, I believe.
By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:36:03
Retired breeder wrote:

As far is I know, you'll be notified when it opens, but it isn't yet. Corrected me if I'm wrong though, I'm not a VIP, that's just what I heard.

As far as I know, you aren't contacted. The first 200 players who click a button on the homepage and directed to prepod. default smiley ;)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 24th January 2015 21:40:18
What if they had horses with markings?
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