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I just am still so suprised that they added a titans challenge, a crown and a Golden Fleece as luck items. It used to be only horn of plenty for 1 pass. Now the Golden Fleece costs double and gives you an Achilles heel default smiley xd
ty lee ✿
  • Posted messages: 676
  • Karma: 10 points
ty lee ✿ wrote:

I just am still so suprised that they added a titans challenge, a crown and a Golden Fleece as luck items.

Are you that surprised?

They invented XANTHOS. Of course, they'd have to create another luck item for that.

Creating yet another problem which then made it necessary to invent the Tyche Crown default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 17,254
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Qυєєи σf Sαιgσи wrote:

I have 75 divines.

I wonder just how many divines Howrse has released since it started up. I am sure it must be in the 400s or maybe even more.
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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Spyder wrote:

I wonder just how many divines Howrse has released since it started up.

I can tell you that! It's 322+ Different Divines excluding Pets, Chimeras and Wild horses default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 17,254
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It's 489 (I'm including the Wilds and such as divines here), provided I added them all correctly. Unfortunately, there is no "total divine" count in the new Collections like there was with the old "all the divines trophy"
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,112
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Legacy Ann wrote:

It's 489 (I'm including the Wilds and such as divines here), provided I added them all correctly. Unfortunately, there is no "total divine" count in the new Collections like there was with the old "all the divines trophy"

That was so good.
Also, I could have sworn last year it was 252 divines. That they added so many in 18 months is staggering default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 17,254
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Hang on, I bet I can find a screenshot or something from last year to check!default smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,112
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Legacy Ann wrote:

It's 489 (I'm including the Wilds and such as divines here), provided I added them all correctly. Unfortunately, there is no "total divine" count in the new Collections like there was with the old "all the divines trophy"

Oh my god.. I haven’t even looked into them all yet, I quit the game when the wind divines came. That’s a lot… default smiley (d) and then they say this game is for kids. This game is boring for kids since it’s allmost pay to play..
ty lee ✿
  • Posted messages: 676
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Ah, never mind, I think the "all divines trophy" only counted actual divines, so I'd have to subtract whatever Chimeras and Pets have been added since, and probably the Etria horses, and Arion, because I don't think some of those were counted there either.

But we get at least 1 new divine each month, plus the occasional new horse that's released in luck items rather than events (Chimeras and Metals). And the Christmas Pack exclusive horses
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,112
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ty lee ✿ wrote:

and then they say this game is for kids. This game is boring for kids since it’s allmost pay to play..

Weeell..I suppose we could say "almost". I don't consider it pay to play in the literal sense of the game requiring real money. You can win divines as a non-paying player, and we have had more literal "free" divines in the last couple of years.

But yes, if you do wish to keep up with the divines as they come out, you'll need either a well set up game to gather lots of passes and luck items, or you'll have to buy passes.

Truthfully, I don't mind that buying passes are needed if we want something right away. I don't want every single divine anyway, so it doesn't bother me to save up in-game resources to get them, even though it can take a lot longer. And there are other goals I have that don't require passes at all
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,112
  • Karma: 10 points
Legacy Ann wrote:

It's 489 (I'm including the Wilds and such as divines here), provided I added them all correctly. Unfortunately, there is no "total divine" count in the new Collections like there was with the old "all the divines trophy"

That is sort of where I thought it would be.

I have 272 listed ( under my affix) but have more with no affix.

But there are some I just will never get ( dragons for example and refuse any from the Sherlock Holmes series) so think I have done pretty well.

I am sure there are player that have divines closer to that total than me.
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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Legacy Anne, Etria DID count. Boy did the missing Wikaila hurt my pride default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 17,254
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All of us, but she was ridiculously overpriced. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 543
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FalbasMeduline wrote:

One : we can also see their birth date.

Genuinely not sure what about their birth date makes you think I'm lying...?

When I said "I haven't been able to afford a new release Divine in two years" I meant
1. Ones that weren't free
2. New releases, not re-releases

And I don't see any under my Divine tab or remember getting one that didn't fit that criteria since Christmas Ghost (born in 2021, two years ago, like I said)? But if there is one it was a genuine mistake (either I forgot, or didn't know it was new) and I apologize if I was wrong anywhere, I'm not just coming into the spoiler forum and telling lies on purpose. default smiley (lol)

I didn't meant to sound dishonest at all, I guess my first post did kinda sound like I've hated all Divines forever but I don't, I've enjoyed going for them in the past, I'm just frustrated at the price hike on them. Used to be I could get Pastry Divines for pretty cheap. That and the push to make them more of a feature than a side thing (redoing the trophies so that you need one from every series to progress; changing the objectives to require specific/multiple ones, etc.) I don't think that's the way to go. I know it makes Howrse money so they won't stop, but I wish they wouldn't do it that way.
  • Posted messages: 29,987
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I also have 68 divines (half of those are Falabella and wilds :P), but I am only a few days back in the game. I’m a pass buyer. Crooked has been in the game for much longer. And back in the day it was NOT this expensive to get divines I used to play without spending passes and i had around 30 divines. I don’t think she is lying at all I understand her point
ty lee ✿
  • Posted messages: 676
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Before you waste time and energy in rant staying stuck in a 24h old comment of two sentences you could at least read these two sentences. Where did I call her a liar ? I just told her that I already knew these information because I had access to them. Can we move on ? Everyone else did. default smiley (8) Also I doesn’t read rant. Other things to do. Best.
  • Posted messages: 543
  • Karma: 10 points
FalbasMeduline wrote:

Before you waste time and energy in rant staying stuck in a 24h old comment of two sentences you could at least read these two sentences. Where did I call her a liar ? I just told her that I already knew these information because I had access to them. Can we move on ? Everyone else did. default smiley (8) Also I doesn’t read rant. Other things to do. Best.

Your comment about how "we can read the birth dates on your horses" sounded like you were calling me out for mistyping something, if I misunderstood that I apologize, it's hard to tell tone over text.

It wasn't a rant, just a clarification.
  • Posted messages: 29,987
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Just a gentle reminder that this forum is for discussing upcoming promotions and game changes, not for arguing about which divines are better than others or what they cost.
  • Posted messages: 37,449
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  • Posted messages: 543
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I don't really agree with the people that say divines help their game. Probably helps with breeding. But you're not saving money in the long run by having something that drops 10 passes once a month if you spent 2500 passes to get it default smiley xd And most are so ugly
  • Posted messages: 39
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Lilywolf wrote:

I don't really agree with the people that say divines help their game. Probably helps with breeding. But you're not saving money in the long run by having something that drops 10 passes once a month if you spent 2500 passes to get it default smiley xd And most are so ugly

According to my calculations, my Osmium will have payed for himself by July 2029, I don't know what you're talking about! default smiley :p
Bella 23481
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Just a gentle reminder that this forum is for discussing upcoming promotions and game changes, not for arguing about which divines are better than others or what they cost.
  • Posted messages: 37,449
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@Bella23481 Haha! I love that default smiley xd But yeah, I mean if people like how they look, good on them! I just save my passes for other things default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 39
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Lilywolf wrote:

@Bella23481 Haha! I love that default smiley xd But yeah, I mean if people like how they look, good on them! I just save my passes for other things default smiley :)

Please take note of my reminder above. This topic is for discussing forthcoming promotions and new game changes not yet generally made public. It isn't meant for discussing your favourite divines or what they cost. If people continually stray off topic, others follow and the topic becomes derailed and not useful for its intended purpose.
  • Posted messages: 37,449
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On topic question then default smiley ;)

What's the event starting tomorrow?

Click to display
Blast I guess?

And the one after that?
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