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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 15th October 2017 21:11:19
jcalpacagirl24 wrote:

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Yes, you are correct. Following the potions will come The Cards promo.

Hope this helps,
~Evening Star
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you know, i'm actually okay with the new update that'll be coming soon. i always get my horses to 100 BLUP before i breed them, so it'll this won't affect me that much anyway
i just wish there was some sort of reward for getting to 100 BLUP, y'know? default smiley xd
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So it sounds like
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the BLUP change is this:
The game designers have decided against the old policy of BLUP over 70 only contributing to IBS. They want to encourage 100 BLUP breeding by giving more GP gains to foals from 100 BLUP parents, but they don't want to double the speed at which top GP increases. So they're taking away some of the gains for lower BLUP breeding, and making comp wins more important.

Teams don't like it because many would only BLUP partway to 100. With the change they'll need to do more work to get the same GP foals.

If I misinterpreted the change, someone please explain.
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Misabel wrote:

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In theory, I approve of the change - I always felt it was rather silly that breeding at less than 100% carried no penalty, and as someone who is a stickler for breeding at 100% I feel it does level the playing field. But in order for this to work for anyone who isn't breeding horses good enough to easily scoop up wins during the bolding process, the situation with comps must be addressed.

Like Asfridur, I breed low-skilled horses....I have been doing so for nearly as long as I've been on the game. That never used to be an obstacle. Before the skill range of low-level comps started widening unchecked, any player could successfully BLUP any horse with just some patience and skill - train it properly, pay attention to skill ranges, choose comps carefully, and you'd get your wins.

Now, the skill element has been removed, and it's become a matter of luck - even if you cram as many skills and bonuses on as you can, and enter the easiest comps that exist, you still have to cross your fingers in hopes that no one else enters a horse with twice as many skills as yours. Even rookie comps are often blanketed by horses whose secondary skills are target trained, since that skill range also keeps increasing. Between that, and just waiting for the comps to run, it can take weeks to get 20 wins.

The latter part of that problem is something I am hoping this new change can effect in a positive way - many players were so frustrated by the impossibility of winning that they stopped entering comps altogether, so it takes longer than ever for them to gather enough entries (and that's for *this* server - I am told the regional servers have it far worse). People may be driven to start entering now, for all the good it will do them.

What's the answer? Good question. Rolling back and capping the skill range for comps below a certain level would help, but given how the game has been trying to push players away from low skilled horses, it seems unlikely they'd be willing to do that. Capping the number of rookie comps a horse can be entered in at once (in other words, they would have to wait until some of them run before entering more) might make those comps less likely to get 'stuck' with the same target trained horse in every one. Or, the game can take an entirely fresh tack and change the point system, so that finishing second or third can give credit towards BLUP (ie, 1 full point for win, .25 percent of a point for second, .10 for third), which would not only really get people entering, but also make the comping process less discouraging for players of all levels.

In any case, the game has to do *something* - otherwise, what should be a good and worthy change will just end up creating more grief and aggravation.

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I like the partial points for seconds and thirds. It would make it so anyone can hit 100 blup eventually after comping with a BLUP and a filler that don't get last place. Getting 200 third place finishes is more work than 20 wins, but some horses just never seem to win anything. It would keep comps running. Any player could get nearly any horse's wins/thirds eventually, and players who work with unis or NIBs could move a bit faster.

The trouble might be that teams can BLUP multiple horses at once by using a second top horse as a filler, and that gives them 5 horses blupped instead of 4 after 80 comps.
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when the new style of blupping kicks in:

will howrse admin be stopping **some** of the top teams by cheating with shadow teams.

shadow teams that are essentially secondary to a top team, and do blupping without an affix..only to pop up on the day that the teams are ranked to take one or more of the top three spots..pushing the teams who have worked exceptionally hard to get to a ranked spot.

these shadow teams are fed high end horses from the top team. not all top teams do this, but i know of a few who are doing it.default smiley :@
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since when does BLUPing require 75-125 APs? I don't dislike the idea of this change. I don't breed at 100 with my team all the time, but i enjoy hitting 100. I really like the days when my horse is 6 or 7 and only needs to get to ten to get 100 BLUP.
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I absolutely hate how I have to check forums regularly or howrse makes changes without me noticing a thing until it's too late.

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The 20 wins seems pretty annoying. I remembered when top teams used to breed at 100 blup so they would blanket a ton of comps. Like you only need 20 wins but since they know they're going to win because of the gp of their blups... They just enter as many comps so they could get the 20 wins as fast as possible. I would have to find empty comps and fill for myself... PRAYING that no top gp blup would enter in my blup comps. If they're going to implement this, they need to include a FREE (none of that VIP divine money greedy grabby perks) "search for your team horses" in comps. I cannot tell you how annoying it is for my teammates to find my unicorn blups because they can't filter by affix

And only then would I accept the changes without much complaint or fuss.
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As a person who blups to 100, I do not see a problem with that. Yes I have had many times where I didn't get my wins without the first few hours or that day but that didn't stop me.
I know for sure a lot of teams will barely blup then be in the top 3 within a day because they did a sloppy job of blupping and just raised their GP. Which that is not fair, especially for the teams that care about quality and have spent all that time producing quality horses just for a team to beat them out by pushing out so many horses in one day and get a lead. As for fillers,
like are we really going to complain that we cant cheat out the comps and get easy wins??
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I see someone suggested giving part BLUP point for second and third place finishes,
ive actually thought about this many times while blupping and think it would be a great idea especially if they are pushing this new thing to where you have to have 100 Blup to get the best gp gain
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gtkitty wrote:

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I see someone suggested giving part BLUP point for second and third place finishes,
ive actually thought about this many times while blupping and think it would be a great idea especially if they are pushing this new thing to where you have to have 100 Blup to get the best gp gain

Definitely, I have no idea how my donkeys are going to cope after this is implemented.
starlight dreamer!
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This is going to be TERRIBLE for donkey breeders!
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electrah wrote:

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As a person who blups to 100, I do not see a problem with that. Yes I have had many times where I didn't get my wins without the first few hours or that day but that didn't stop me.
I know for sure a lot of teams will barely blup then be in the top 3 within a day because they did a sloppy job of blupping and just raised their GP. Which that is not fair, especially for the teams that care about quality and have spent all that time producing quality horses just for a team to beat them out by pushing out so many horses in one day and get a lead. As for fillers,
like are we really going to complain that we cant cheat out the comps and get easy wins??

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I agree with this. Winning comps has never really been a luck element, especially with co-management to teammate's fillers or fillers of your own, unless luck counts as how fast you can quad fill before someone else enters your comps. Back in the day when 100 BLUP was not only the "norm" but also a strict standard, if people were blupping they would name the horse "BLUP" or "Needs 12 more wins", etc. That way, we would know the horse needs wins and not to enter over if we see it. The policy in many of my teams were that if our blups accidentally entered over theirs, we would PM the player and offer to fill their comps for them. Many people also entered manually (as opposed to auto) in order to avoid clashing. With fillers, your comps run in minutes rather than days, preventing any potential higher skilled horse to enter in your comps. I blup unis at 2000-3000 GP using Western Pleasure, which we all know is incredibly crowded with everything from Tekes to GVs to even Selles, Canads and the rest of the XC, Cutting and low trot skill sets. The key is filling and filling fast. 20 wins come 4 minutes later like a breeze.

The new rule, if implemented, holds every person to the same standard. For example, if a prix team wanted to 100 BLUP nowadays, it would almost be unfeasible, because 2nd tier teams could 50 BLUP and get the same gains in way less time. Now no one can really cut corners, although it slows down the game. I remember when one blup less than 100 in the line was a disgrace. If you ask me, I agree with delyth on that the REAL change was when people started doing 50s. If anything, the game was seemingly designed in regards to reaching the highest BLUP possible and in doing so creating the best stock.
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By Retired breeder, 16th October 2017 13:53:57
caribooster, what does this change have to do with shadow teams? And that's a kind of rude assumption don't you think? I know I've worked hard before to BLUP and breed over a top team's GP. Then my friend, on the 28th of the month, made me a team. The next day, 1st of march, we had three stars. I wasn't trying to break the rules. Don't accuse, it's not always intentional default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 16th October 2017 14:31:44
What event do we have for Halloween?
Retired breeder wrote:

What event do we have for Halloween?
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The Potions will probably arrive this Thursday, and then the Cards will be after that This post has info on the Potions, and you can check out some other posts on that page and the following pages as well for more info
Legacy Ann
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Retired breeder wrote:

caribooster, what does this change have to do with shadow teams? And that's a kind of rude assumption don't you think? I know I've worked hard before to BLUP and breed over a top team's GP. Then my friend, on the 28th of the month, made me a team. The next day, 1st of march, we had three stars. I wasn't trying to break the rules. Don't accuse, it's not always intentional default smiley :p

I think you misunderstood what they meant by shadow teams. They mean when the team has reached its capacity of 20 people and so another team is formed or off affix teammates continue to blup for the team while not being on the technical team. They aren't antagonizing hard workers, if that is what you assume applies to you! I'm pretty sure she didn't mean it that way, so no need to get offended by something that does not mean to address you. default smiley :p
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buckets wrote:

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I am really happy about the blupping change.It has been so frustrating seeing teams blupping horses to only 30% to 70% blup and get ahead of determined players like myself that spend the time to produce quality foals by always blupping both parents to 100%. I hope this change gets implemented very soon - the sooner, the bettter.

I do understand unicorn breeders concerns though.I sent note to Contact Us expressing my feelings about the blup calculation improvement . However, I suggested that they might want to tweak the system by either having different calculations for unicorns or else introduce unicorn only comps, which would make it easier for unicorns to get their wins.

I do not see it being bad that MA's will drop off mortal horses at age 30. I always blup my horses to 100%. I have found that I have never had to resort to using a black orchid to get a skiller.I usually get a foal with very high ibs after three to five drops. Occasionally the mare is over 25 before she drops a skiller foals, but I have always been able to drop a skiller foal before the health drops to zero percent. I find it is a lot harder to get quality foals with high ibs if the previous generations have not been blupped to 100%. Friends who dont blup to 100% have told me that it often takes 30 breedings to get high ibs.

And blupping 40 horses in a day (per member) to help your team keep it's spot isn't determination? How exactly did you come to that conclusion?
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We are talking about teams that don't ever blup 100% and get in the lead. Not the teams that are in the top and have to cut out on quality horses due to teams that don't fully blup. I've experienced this personally, I have been apart of a few top teams and I have seen this kind of stuff break top teams up because they can't keep up with all the people who don't fully blup. It doesn't take a lot of work to barely blup a horse and breed it.
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To those who don't think that 100 blup horses are "quality horses":

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What I don't understand is why people think only horses with 100 blup are "quality" horses?
Top teams (prix teams especially) have figured out that you don't need to 100 blup every single generation and still produce great horses - proven by the fact they are on top of the leaderboards...they win prix.....

A lot of the comments I see are very misguided - 100 blup greatly affects IBS and does affect GP gain, but to less of a degree. That's why skiller foals are so expensive. They take lots of effort - blupping both parents to 100 to ensure the best IBS and GP gain, using tears to increase the IBS, and possibly paying for wands, arms, or orchids.
With the new change, reaching 100 blup won't be harder but producing skillers will be, since now arms fall off at 30 - you bet that's going to increase the price of preps, making things harder and disrupting the equilibrium in the howrse economy.

I got a little off track but I guess my question is this: why do players think that 100 BLUP horses have a greater value than say, at 70 BLUP horse? If teams want to breed at 70 BLUP and they can consistently do so to produce the top horses in the game...why aren't those horses considered "good" or "good stock"?

In the game, gains are calculated by formulas - which we don't know exactly but can make darn good guesses after blupping thousands of horses.

I see people saying "Oh I only blupped 3 horses in a day because I care about the quality of my horses, while a top team will be breeding out 30-40 horses *just* to increase their gp".
Uh...that's the whole point of the gp race (just one aspect of howrse)...increasing gp.

Kudos to you for blupping to 100, but it's completely unnecessary for gp gain. Resources are often better spent producing more generations with a lower blup in order to increase gp gain.

A huge part of the game isn't just blupping but how resources are spent. For teams, aging points are the key currency of the game. They determine what methods are used for blupping and how many blups to run. You can work out the math yourself and either agree or disagree with other's math, but often it is more efficient to blup to a lower number and save those aging points.

I am not a big fan of these changes, but I feel that it will have a much larger impact on lower gp horses than upper level teams. Top teams have always adapted to new changes, no matter how horrible, but players who do not breed top gp horses will struggle to get wins as, like you say, "top teams breed 30-40 generations a day" and blanket comps.
vitamin sea
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i feel like maybe they're going at this change in the wrong way... i understand the point of giving 100 blup the max gp gain, while lowering it for lesser blup, but the way blup is calculated should stay the same. let those who blup to 70 do so with the same amount of resources, while those who blup to 100 get a higher gp gain. i think that would be more fair?
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Can someone give me a link or page number to a detailed description of the blup changes? I haven't been here for a few weeks so missed that.

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Any news on the pass changes that are supposed to come this year? Are they still going to happen or did howrse change their minds?
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Ok, so the Elemental mine just ended, what contest is coming after it?
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gabbigirl1 wrote:

Ok, so the Elemental mine just ended, what contest is coming after it?

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The potions promo will come after this, I don't remember on which page you can see the information is showing about it
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Concerning the next promo (P_____)

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How luck based will the promo be? I know you get random ingredients, but other than that?
and how many passes would you have to spend minimum?
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