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When do you plant pass seeds?
  • Posted messages: 43
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Glory Days wrote:

Well, just sent Howrse feedback about the upcoming changes. I hope my tone can convey just how unhappy I have been with the game. default smiley (n)

How did you send Howrse feedback - through the pre-prod site or through Contact us. I submitted my feedback to Contact Us and got back this response:

Thank you for taking the time to send us your feedback regarding a potential upcoming change. I'd like to remind you that you're welcome to leave comments about aspects being tested in the test forum on our test site. You can also provide your feedback in the spoiler zone topic thread should you not have access to the test site. The support system is here to answer and help with any questions or technical issues with the live game only, not to discuss the test site.

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Does anyone know when preprod will be open for the 2nd lot of testers?
  • Posted messages: 7,111
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Antheia wrote:

Does anyone know when preprod will be open for the 2nd lot of testers?

I think it opens about a week after the first wave, maybe? So possibly Monday or Tuesday would be my guess. Looks like last time it opened again 10 days later.
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,112
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Years ago I would have loved this change.
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I still do for the higher end GP's.

I like challenges, and I think effort should be rewarded.
But what about the lower ends? The ones that have so low GP it's hilarious really. With the rookie comp changes it became more than a challenge to BLUP low GP's.
If you want full BLUP on the lower ends right now, you need to rely on help from friends, or use co to fill every spot in the comps. If you do not, you won't get a single win.

That is not my idea of a challenge or fun.
So yes I breed some of my lower GP's at 70+. Some even less especially if their bought so broken even 70 is impossible.

Do I breed my higher ends at 70 or less? No way not happening.

I fail to see how a BLUP change won't tempt even more to create fake accounts. but maybe it's just me.

I do how ever appreciate how howrse is trying to fix the current situation. But all it makes me think is that it's too little too late.

  • Posted messages: 9,747
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Retired breeder wrote:

what's the change that's everyone's talking about

Just read the past 2-3 pages. It is too involved to explain.
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 19:57:44
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I am wondering if the range for the top will be increased slightly to make it more worth it to breed at 100 as it seems the difference would be roughly 0.1 or 0.2 GP. if not bred at 100 blup
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 20:06:52
@ buckets
Whoops. Guess I'll get the same response. default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 20:08:26
buckets wrote:

How did you send Howrse feedback - through the pre-prod site or through Contact us. I submitted my feedback to Contact Us and got back this response:

Thank you for taking the time to send us your feedback regarding a potential upcoming change. I'd like to remind you that you're welcome to leave comments about aspects being tested in the test forum on our test site. You can also provide your feedback in the spoiler zone topic thread should you not have access to the test site. The support system is here to answer and help with any questions or technical issues with the live game only, not to discuss the test site.


Just wondering about how they sent you a prepod link- were you already on prepod or did they invite you because you sent them that message?
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 20:41:39
Daddylol wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

This is what the pass horses are here for, to give some kind of way to get passes for people that can't spend money. I don't buy passes but keep my VIP running with these passes, so you can get powerful horses as well if you chose to use these passes on them
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 21:11:57
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 21:14:38
Daddylol wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

I've never bought passes. Many people on top teams either don't buy passes at all or don't buy many. Some do buy a lot, but it's the same with the general game population.
Please remember you must use spoilers when discussing things which are not yet on the game
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Plus there is a button to add a spoiler tab in case you don't know what to put to make one.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Just wondering about how they sent you a prepod link- were you already on prepod or did they invite you because you sent them that message?

They sent me the link because i sent them that message. And I cant log in, since i am not a Pre-Prod member. They did not invite me to join pre-prod. They just want us to use this forum to provide comments (if we are not pre-prod members).
  • Posted messages: 250
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Asfridur wrote:

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I fail to see how a BLUP change won't tempt even more to create fake accounts. but maybe it's just me.

I was thinking the same thing. It could encourage people to multi-account if they dont have friends that could help fill .
  • Posted messages: 250
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aschooje wrote:

When do you plant pass seeds?

In the fall season is when they have to be planted I'm pretty sure.
  • Posted messages: 14,687
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buckets wrote:

They sent me the link because i sent them that message. And I cant log in, since i am not a Pre-Prod member. They did not invite me to join pre-prod. They just want us to use this forum to provide comments (if we are not pre-prod members).

You got a somewhat generic answer I'm afraid.
Contact us deals with game features that are already implemented in the game.
Prepod deals with testing promos and future changes. All making it difficult to try and explain to the howrse mods why a certain change is a bad idea. Like how are you supposed to let them know how you feel, if you do not have access to a prepod test session?

I'd say still send a ticket to contact us - but be polite. An all rant ticket to them is not the way. Any customer service employee is more likely to forward your concern or try and help, if your polite, than if your ranting and throwing tantrums.

Also posting in the spoiler thread helps. Yep some of us actually read them. Even the non mods.
When a change has been pushed trough, remember to post in the new feature topic, if such a one is created. Let them know why you either like or dislike it...again polite is the keyword

On prepod several have voiced their concern about this change, but I honestly doubt it's enough for the change to not happen.

We have been able to change their minds about certain changes in the past. But if we only rant and scream we're going to get ignored. Also we need to stand in unity and explain calmly why it's a bad idea.
The board of players is divided as we can already see from people posing there. Like with all changes so will love it, some will hate it, and other's will either not care or move on to another game.

I'm sounding like a teacher... good lord. Any ways just my 2 cents worth
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My teams are adjusting accordingly, and since we fill anyways it's just a matter of the other 20-30 AP needed.

To be honest the donk teams may need to disband or will have to be stuck with slower gains, still no reply from preprod on that. They said they'd look into it.

Maybe when the weekend is over.
  • Posted messages: 19,812
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Asfridur wrote:

I'm sounding like a teacher... good lord. Any ways just my 2 cents worth

I can tell you from what I am reading almost all of your concerns are being pointed out on preprod. In my case it will not affect me but I can see where it does others. I don't speak for anyone but me but any specific questions anyone has I can certainly take them to preprod.( or anyone else)
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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I'm pretty concerned about how these changes will affect bluppers and teams on Howrse that pay passes will probably start to disband. I may be being a litte dramtic here, but this change is going to push a lot of users already losing interest in this game over the edge.
I think it'll be a bad move for Owlient's income. It's hard to get 20 wins without multi-accounts or a whole team of fillers behind you, so anyone not in an active team will probably find it much harder to blup.

Also, aging points are not something you can buy, and a farmer with 1000 horses that farms everyday will only get 150 AP's on average, 250 with shenma and other perks maybe. That's now only going to be enough for maybe 2 blups. If howrse wants to make blupping, an integral part of this game, require more AP than I think it's their responsibility to up AP supply.

I think these changes are going to poorly affect a lot of top teams, but also the little guy who blups on occasion. Wins are already hard to get, now they'll be crucial and practically impossible. default smiley (n)default smiley (n)default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 293
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<font color="090DF0">Rest assured that we are reading all of your points of concerns here,
where it's the best place for them.

Against popular thinking, do not take your feedback about items seen in the testing site to contact us as the support there is meant to assist with any questions or technical issues regarding the live game only. </font color> default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 2,473
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By Retired breeder, 15th October 2017 17:16:54
Crystylcaila wrote:

<font color="090DF0">Rest assured that we are reading all of your points of concerns here,
where it's the best place for them.

Against popular thinking, do not take your feedback about items seen in the testing site to contact us as the support there is meant to assist with any questions or technical issues regarding the live game only. </font color> default smiley :)

Good to see at least one of the admin is reading these.... makes me feel much better and I probably won't be ranting as much. default smiley xd Thank you Cailow
I missed the Preprod Bus, so I am posting this here. Apologies for its length.

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In theory, I approve of the change - I always felt it was rather silly that breeding at less than 100% carried no penalty, and as someone who is a stickler for breeding at 100% I feel it does level the playing field. But in order for this to work for anyone who isn't breeding horses good enough to easily scoop up wins during the bolding process, the situation with comps must be addressed.

Like Asfridur, I breed low-skilled horses....I have been doing so for nearly as long as I've been on the game. That never used to be an obstacle. Before the skill range of low-level comps started widening unchecked, any player could successfully BLUP any horse with just some patience and skill - train it properly, pay attention to skill ranges, choose comps carefully, and you'd get your wins.

Now, the skill element has been removed, and it's become a matter of luck - even if you cram as many skills and bonuses on as you can, and enter the easiest comps that exist, you still have to cross your fingers in hopes that no one else enters a horse with twice as many skills as yours. Even rookie comps are often blanketed by horses whose secondary skills are target trained, since that skill range also keeps increasing. Between that, and just waiting for the comps to run, it can take weeks to get 20 wins.

The latter part of that problem is something I am hoping this new change can effect in a positive way - many players were so frustrated by the impossibility of winning that they stopped entering comps altogether, so it takes longer than ever for them to gather enough entries (and that's for *this* server - I am told the regional servers have it far worse). People may be driven to start entering now, for all the good it will do them.

What's the answer? Good question. Rolling back and capping the skill range for comps below a certain level would help, but given how the game has been trying to push players away from low skilled horses, it seems unlikely they'd be willing to do that. Capping the number of rookie comps a horse can be entered in at once (in other words, they would have to wait until some of them run before entering more) might make those comps less likely to get 'stuck' with the same target trained horse in every one. Or, the game can take an entirely fresh tack and change the point system, so that finishing second or third can give credit towards BLUP (ie, 1 full point for win, .25 percent of a point for second, .10 for third), which would not only really get people entering, but also make the comping process less discouraging for players of all levels.

In any case, the game has to do *something* - otherwise, what should be a good and worthy change will just end up creating more grief and aggravation.

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