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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 11:30:04
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I think everyone is forgetting that this change will effect all teams, so it makes no difference to top teams competition. Yes, before this change it is better and more time efficient to breed horses at a lower BLUP. Yes, now they will need to work harder to get 100 BLUP. No, this will not effect the competition at the top and disadvantage any team- as each will work however hard they decide to. It will not make any team lose their place in the rankings unless they start putting in less effort than others. It will effect all teams equally so no team will need to work harder or less than the rest. GP gain remains proportional to effort, arguably even more so after the changes.

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I think it is good that teams work harder. Maybe it will weed out the ones that just go halfway hoping to beat other teams that do more work. If this is the result then I applaud the change. So more work will be rewarded and less work will not.
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 14:47:01
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Not so sure why all the negativity about top teams, y'all. default smiley (lol) If it makes sense with regard to time and finances, we will breed at a higher blup when this change comes. If not, we won't. As it stands, it seems this blup change makes a small difference at the cap, which is the case now as well. If your team regularly hits 400-500 blups a week (my team has every week for over a month now), you save time and AP where you can. We don't have unlimited resources.
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Been waiting for a change like this forever. It is great news! And yes, I wanted this change when I helped run the game's best, highest GP team for years.
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 15:52:45
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Once upon a time, in Ye Olden Days of Howrse, ALL competitive teams blupped to 100. Did it take a bit longer? Did it cost a bit more in APs or MAs? Sure. We survived.

I am surprised that some people are acting like this is a huge change in the way the game has always been played. To me, the huge shift came a couple of years ago when teams started cutting corners with wins and breeding at 30 blup (or lower) and no one blupped with arms anymore. My team and I adapted to the change because we were forced to in order to compete, but I would be sincerely happy to see a shift back to how the game once was.
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Well it is not a reward for those who breed at 100 BLUP, since most, if not all top teams will run to 100 for decent gains. The distinction some gained from breeding at 100 will now become commonplace.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Once upon a time, in Ye Olden Days of Howrse, ALL competitive teams blupped to 100. Did it take a bit longer? Did it cost a bit more in APs or MAs? Sure. We survived.

I am surprised that some people are acting like this is a huge change in the way the game has always been played. To me, the huge shift came a couple of years ago when teams started cutting corners with wins and breeding at 30 blup (or lower) and no one blupped with arms anymore. My team and I adapted to the change because we were forced to in order to compete, but I would be sincerely happy to see a shift back to how the game once was.

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I've seen 6 blup from certain teams, it's basically just training and some rides. Although I like blupping lower, it takes all the challenges away from the game. Happy to have some sort of challenge back in the game again. Maybe it will also thin out the amount of teams/competitiveness. We'll see.

Overall, I am happy about the change, will be interesting to see how things turn out.
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I seriously cannot believe people are supporting this. It will take more time and resources. Its hard enough sitting and waiting for comps to run as it is. YES you can fill by yourself or fill together but on smaller teams and stand alone breeders the comps will be a right mess. Also I would like to note there were fewer teams back then. The game has grown since then and so has the amount of players. There's a fine line between a challenge and then something which is outright ridiculous.
Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 16:20:08
what's the change that's everyone's talking about
Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss wrote:

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I seriously cannot believe people are supporting this. It will take more time and resources. Its hard enough sitting and waiting for comps to run as it is. YES you can fill by yourself or fill together but on smaller teams and stand alone breeders the comps will be a right mess. Also I would like to note there were fewer teams back then. The game has grown since then and so has the amount of players. There's a fine line between a challenge and then something which is outright ridiculous.

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Because it's nice to have a challenge, it is too easy these days and players have gotten lazy.
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When I'm waiting for hours with a bomb load of seconds it's not a challenge.It's just painful and annoying. Even if I was careful about entering comps. Honestly I doubt players have gotten lazy. It's most likely because the grass grows faster than the wins come. default smiley (n)
Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss
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Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss wrote:

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I seriously cannot believe people are supporting this. It will take more time and resources. Its hard enough sitting and waiting for comps to run as it is. YES you can fill by yourself or fill together but on smaller teams and stand alone breeders the comps will be a right mess. Also I would like to note there were fewer teams back then. The game has grown since then and so has the amount of players. There's a fine line between a challenge and then something which is outright ridiculous.

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And also to add, if you look at the stats for the number of players on the game, it is much much lower than it was. So no, the game has not grown it has in fact shrank. Teams have just been more of a focal point when they bought in the team features, and that's why there seems to be more.
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Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss wrote:

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When I'm waiting for hours with a bomb load of seconds it's not a challenge.It's just painful and annoying. Even if I was careful about entering comps. Honestly I doubt players have gotten lazy. It's most likely because the grass grows faster than the wins come. default smiley (n)

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Takes me about 5 minutes to quad fill, not long at all. People just choose not to go for wins to cut down on time, especially if you are in a competitive team.
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 16:29:57
Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss wrote:

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I seriously cannot believe people are supporting this. It will take more time and resources. Its hard enough sitting and waiting for comps to run as it is. YES you can fill by yourself or fill together but on smaller teams and stand alone breeders the comps will be a right mess. Also I would like to note there were fewer teams back then. The game has grown since then and so has the amount of players. There's a fine line between a challenge and then something which is outright ridiculous.

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Actually, the game has FEWER players now than it did back then.

There are many more races to use for blup comps than there used to be, too. Comps right now are clogged up because there is no incentive for people to go in and clear them out. Right now all teams do is auto comp for gains, without bothering to fill. If they comp at all, lol. If teams actually need wins, then comps won't sit and stagnate like now, to the point it's impossible to find your blup horse even after you've used Winter to throw in another filler.
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Perhaps this was because Howrse wouldn't listen to their players and people got fed up of being ignored constantly. Back when Howrse wasn't all about money and promos were special. default smiley :$. default smiley :-x
Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 16:39:18
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Howrse actually is pretty long-lived for an on-line Browser based game. I know people complain about changes and promos and such constantly (and I fully admit to being one of those complainers at times with a capital COMPLAIN). People always complain about any change, and if nothing changes someone else will complain about that., lol. I am getting off on a tangent, but my point is that I'm kind of impressed with how long Howrse has lasted so far. This type of game usually doesn't last for over a decade. (And let's be honest, for the developers the game always was about making money. It's a business.)
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This change will definitely make the game more pass dependant, which I tend to see as one of the biggest complaints people make about various aspects of the game. The teams most likely to disappear are the ones that don't have the passes to spend. That could, in turn, lead to fewer people enjoying the game, which could, in turn, lead to more people dropping out of the game. I don't see how the current system is a problem, except for those who wish to "win" by spending real money.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Howrse actually is pretty long-lived for an on-line Browser based game. I know people complain about changes and promos and such constantly (and I fully admit to being one of those complainers at times with a capital COMPLAIN). People always complain about any change, and if nothing changes someone else will complain about that., lol. I am getting off on a tangent, but my point is that I'm kind of impressed with how long Howrse has lasted so far. This type of game usually doesn't last for over a decade. (And let's be honest, for the developers the game always was about making money. It's a business.)

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Give it about a year or two and it will be gone default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 16:45:47
what's the change that everyone is talking about
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 16:46:30
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I am not a competitive breeder, but breed for my own personal benefit. While this change won't affect me much, it will to teams.
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To be honest I'm seriously one of those people who really doesn't like constant changes. Its harder as well if the game has been played for a while and you've watched it evolve at a fast pace. I remember being a schoolgirl and signing up on this game. If I ever had a bad day I would just log into howrse. At one point the changes got so bad I considered deleting my account but then I left it for a while as I invested waaaaay too much money in this game.
Over the years I've made some great friends too, and now I have a better understanding of the game it's easier to get around. I honestly think this change will make things very difficult.
I think the main thing that upsets me is that sometimes Howrse just doesn't listen to it's customers anymore. Maybe I wouldn't mind this change so much if they just listened once in a while.
Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2017 16:47:22
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Well, breeding at the top right now seems to come down to who has access to the most accounts to farm-bot APs and then blup on co-bond. That system basically encourages cheating and fake accounts or gifting old accounts to friends after the main user decides to quit. I don't see how changing that model is a bad thing.
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I can see where you are coming from but then and again it's how people avoid spending a ridiculous amount of money on the game. Perhaps if they made passes cheaper more people would be tempted to buy them, thus funding the game and constant promos. For me Passes used to be £8 for 10 passes.
In the past few years it's been changed so it is literally a pound a pass. Another speculation is a lot of teams use this method and if this gets revoked in the future a lot of players won't like it.
Perhaps this change may balance out some things but It won't change others.
Sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss
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