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Thanks Lobolond444 default smiley ^) I live in the United States but I am on the international server.
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Legacy Ann I meant the one on Twitter. See Lobolond444 response because he/she explained it.
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By Retired breeder, 11th January 2017 21:15:23
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Appearantly he gives:
1x Zeus Lightningbolt
1x Longe
1x Aging point
If the information is correct, this horse can be obtained after/in the Great Challenge

A howrse for Valentine's Day default smiley (l)
If the information is correct, another throwing fight.

A new Black Market item, supposedly giving the oppurtunity to give our horses a coat same as a Wandering Horse. Price: 1 pass.

Credit to lillylillylilly from the Dutch Howrse for this info. Offcourse not sure about the promo's and prices.
If more info pops up, I'll be sure to share default smiley ^)

censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Thanks Lobolond444 default smiley ^) I live in the United States but I am on the international server.


Legacy Ann I meant the one on Twitter. See Lobolond444 response because he/she explained it.

You are welcome. default smiley :) (By the way, it's a she. default smiley ;) )


Retired breeder wrote:

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Appearantly he gives:
1x Zeus Lightningbolt
1x Longe
1x Aging point
If the information is correct, this horse can be obtained after/in the Great Challenge

A howrse for Valentine's Day default smiley (l)
If the information is correct, another throwing fight.

A new Black Market item, supposedly giving the oppurtunity to give our horses a coat same as a Wandering Horse. Price: 1 pass.

Credit to lillylillylilly from the Dutch Howrse for this info. Offcourse not sure about the promo's and prices.
If more info pops up, I'll be sure to share default smiley ^)

Thank you for the information, Tolarone! I really like the design of them. default smiley :)
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* Toralone. I'm sorry, I misspelled it.
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Sherrie300 wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Sherrie300, you need spoiler banners for things that are not on the game yet. What you are talking about is in testing on other servers and will not happen here for at least a couple of months, if at all.
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Legacy Ann I meant the one on Twitter. See Lobolond444 response because he/she explained it.

I saw it now on the home page. I hadn't logged out and back in for awhile so I hadn't seen it yetdefault smiley :)

new update, and if this one is a prank then I'm having words with peopledefault smiley (lol)
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Nouvelles fonctionnalités
Par Calypsow, le 11 janvier 2017 à 16:15:35
· Changer l'emplacement du centre équestre

Vous pouvez maintenant changer l'emplacement de votre centre équestre pour 1 pass, tous les 30 jours. Cela se fait sur la page "Gestion" de votre CE.

· Filtres pour rechercher les rayons d'Helios de Ow.

Puisqu'il y aura de plus en plus de RH de Ow, nous avons ajouté quelques filtres et options de tri (popularité, couleur, pas encore possédé, favoris).

New Features
By Calypsow, on January 11, 2017 at 16:15:35
· Change the location of the equestrian center

You can now change the location of your riding center for 1 pass, every 30 days. This is done on the "Management" page of your CE.

I'm loving
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finally being able to change our EC location, if this is the case. Hoping you can pay diamonds for it like you can with employees, but it's still worth the one pass to me, especially since I won't want to change it often, if at all. I might just stock up on all the wood my EC makes until this arrives. All I use it for is to repair boxes.
Legacy Ann
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Sherrie300 wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Here is the answer:

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Yes, after the pass change is implemented (we don't know, when), you can't get passes from horses dying older than 30 years. Instead of it, you can get points from certain activities (we aren't sure which ones) every day (10 points/day), and when you achieve 30 points, you can get 1 pass by playing a mini game. So the plan is that everyone can get 1 pass every three days, but seeing other servers, where the changes happened, it won't be that easy . The average is that players get 6-8 points/ day there. So the system is similar to the loyal player pass (even the place when you can find it is the same), but the maximum is 10 passes/month. And as an extra, you can get Yggdrasil, a new divine, by sending 10 horses (older than 25 years) to heaven. This divine doesn't have any perks, but can grow by sending more horses to heaven (1 horse=1 ring=1year). His look changes with his age, and you can take a look on his previous looks in a photo album.

But please pay attention to using spoiler banners when speaking about things which aren't in the game yet. This way we can prevent others seeing something that they didn't want. default smiley :)

Legacy Ann: It's interesting. I hope it's not a prank this time. default smiley :)
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Reguarding Toralone's post
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When I click "inspect" on the Wandering Horse item it says "espirit nomade," which translates to "nomadic spirit."
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I'm sorry, it seems that I couldn't hide Sherrie300's original question in a spoiler banner. Is there a way to delete this part of my message? Or could one moderator do it, please?
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I'm so excited about the the valentines horse in the hearts fight! default smiley (7)
Smokeys Girl
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Lobolond444 wrote:

I'm sorry, it seems that I couldn't hide Sherrie300's original question in a spoiler banner. Is there a way to delete this part of my message? Or could one moderator do it, please?

Thats why I hide it in a spoiker when i answered her default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 11th January 2017 22:16:36

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That is info I have been looking for for a while... At least we will be able to get ten passes a month without using pass horses... I don't know what it is like yet, but I hope it will be better then paying on average 200,000e each for pass horses. I'm looking forward to that update.


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I also despise the Snowball fight and the incoming Valentines heart fight. I am though looking forward to the Great Challenge. That is one of my favorite events... I enjoy getting all of the BMI's for getting puzzle pieces.
Yeah, I didn't realise that the first part isn' in the spoiler banner, just the explanation after that. I feel dumb. default smiley :'(
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Retired breeder wrote:


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That is info I have been looking for for a while... At least we will be able to get ten passes a month without using pass horses... I don't know what it is like yet, but I hope it will be better then paying on average 200,000e each for pass horses. I'm looking forward to that update.


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I also despise the Snowball fight and the incoming Valentines heart fight. I am though looking forward to the Great Challenge. That is one of my favorite events... I enjoy getting all of the BMI's for getting puzzle pieces.

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People who experienced it despises it a lot. Personally, I don't think it will have a good influence on the game, but it can be good for peole who doesn't like or use the pass horses. We have to wait and see.
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Yes, I don't find myself liking the Snowball fight either. I don't have 10 hours a day to spend on Howrse, clicking around for banners. I don't mind luck based promos like the Lottery and such, but this is different. I guess it's cool that everyone gets something, but it just seems like a biased promo is all.

Also, would someone be willing to bump up the P_____ masterpost of the prizes and such? I can't remember what page that was on.
Thanks! default smiley :d
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lovetopaint wrote:

Reguarding Toralone's post
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When I click "inspect" on the Wandering Horse item it says "espirit nomade," which translates to "nomadic spirit."

(item description)
In the
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french translation "nomad" refers to the Wandering Horses.
The translation for the item is:
New product from the black market: L'Esprit Nomade
By Calypsow, on January 11, 2017 at 16:45:53
We present a brand new personalization product: L'Esprit Nomade, which reuses the images of the old series of Nomad horses. We start with the Originals + History, the other series will come later (except nomads birds, because they were designed by the players and some are already available as golden apples).

This item can only be purchased if there is a specific promo.

How does it work ?
- the player chooses the series of nomadic horses that he would like a dress
- a dress is selected at random from all dresses in the selected series.
- the chances of getting one dress over another are exactly the same

Price = 1 Pass

It brings the bonus of the Nomadic Spirit which gives a +5 bonus to each horse skill.
Thanks to the Nomadic Spirit, give your horse the appearance of a nomadic horse.
Nomadic horses are initially horses that invite themselves for a few days on the parties of the players in a contest. By invoking the Nomadic Spirit, you now have the unique opportunity to display their appearance on your horses.
Only horses older than 1 year 6 months can use Nomadic Spirit.
The nomadic Spirit is not cumulable with another special dress. If you give your horse a Golden Apple then the nomadic Spirit, it will lose its Golden Apple.
Dive back into the ancient times of the game.
They are: Fortune, Pioneer, Faithful, Patience, Champion and Shy.
Go back in time through these great historical figures.
They are: Ramses, Columbus, Cochise, Lucy, Cápac, Khan, Caesar and Harald.
This item gives bonuses to the horse:
Endurance: +5
Speed: +5
Dressage: +5
Gallop: +5
Trot: +5
Jumping: +5

***The above makes it sound like we can only choose from two series so far? We'll have to wait and see
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 11th January 2017 22:33:28
For the Toralone's post,,
Just some quick translate, really there's a lot of grammatical mistakes,, default smiley :$ default smiley :d
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Great challenge and festivies are back,,

Divine horse Lug can be found for VIP players in Golden Fleeces through the whole promotion. In lotery for all players,,

Principle is the same, there are just few adjustments,,
- Reduced the difficulty of getting Golden Horseshoes and changed the quantity needed for trophy
- You can skip the Quest in GC by giving away one your BM item
- Once you asked for help you can take your request back and complete the Quest by yourself,, Equus paid WON'T be compensated

Lug is a part of Celtic horses. Find 5 Ogham letters, which are the part of prediction and win:
1x Zeus Lightning Bolt
1x Longe
5x AP

Lug can be won through GC and Lotery

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New series of Je t'aime > Probably phrase "I love you" in different languages,,
Je t'aime in french means I love you, new divine's name is "I love you" < In english

"I love you" Heart battle!
The message given at the end of contest has been modified. You'll see now your ranking in the top 10 players,,

I love you
> It's perk is the same as Je t'aime

This horese will be obtainable (is this a word?) in HoP's
For this series is not a specific trophy yet, but it still counts toward Divine Horses trophy,,

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New BM item
Nomad's Soul (Wandering horses)
We introduce you the new item for customization of your horse,, This item will let you give to your horse one of older Wandering horse's coat,, We are staring with Original and History series,, Other series'll come soon! (Excluding the BIRD WANDERING HORSES, as they were designed by palyers and some of them have their coat in GA)

This item can be bought only while some specific events,,

How does it work?
- Players will choose the series they'd like to give to their horse
- Coat from the serie is determined RANDOMLY
- Chances of getting some specific coat are the same FOR EVERY COAT (all of them are the same rarity)

Price = 1 pass

This item'll give to your horse +5 in every skill,,

This is what I found. Is this what you were talking about?

Prophetic Dreams wrote:

Anyways Master post for promotion after the S_ F_
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We are welcoming the Pinata promotion!! Again!
The Piñatas
Up until Date Month 2017 Time, click on the piñatas as often as possible to open them and win the surprises inside.

How do I open a Piñata?

Your Piñata will open once you have earned a certain number of points. You can earn points by:

~Thanks to your clicks on the piñata
~Click 5 times every 4 hours
~Buy Staggering Blows on the Black Market
~Thanks to clicks from your friends (10 points per click from a friend)
~By completing objectives


with piñata #17

with piñata #20

You can also earn golden horseshoes for the Event trophy with piñatas #1, 7, 13 and 20.
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Liana.

P_ and Prizes (All credit to Legacy Ann)
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1. Pinata:
- Objective 1. - Click on a pinata
- Obj. 2. - Groom a horse

2. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Take care of a horse
- Obj. 2. - Put a pony to the bed

3. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Congratulate a player
- Obj. 2. - Visit Ow

4. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Sell 3 mashes
- Obj. 2. - Donate Ow's 5,000 equus

5. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Participate in a competition
- Obj. 2. - Click on friend's pinata

6. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Specialize a horse (western x classical)
- Obj. 2. - Give an apple to Divine or Wild

7. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Train horse for 3 hours
- Obj. 2. - Participate in a competition with 12% energy (competition energy loss, not your horse's energy)

8. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Donate Ow's 10,000 equus
- Obj. 2. - Finish 3rd in 3 competitions

9. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Finish last in a competition
- Obj. 2. - Get 120 equus with a Plutos' Parchment

10. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Congratulate a player who has birthday
- Obj. 2. - Use an AP on a 15 years old horse

11. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Gain at least 1,000 equus ina competition with a horse
- Obj. 2. - Be congratulated XX times

12. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Win 1 equus in competition
- Obj. 2. - Make donation to new player

13. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Take care of a horse with Flaxen Liver Chestnut coat
- Obj. 2. - Give a horse to Ow

14. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Completely equip a horse
- Obj. 2. - Participate in a 60 competitions with 20% energy
- Obj. 3. - Remove pegasus wings

15. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Complete training in a horse's skill
- Obj. 2. - Accept item exchange
- Obj. 3. - Reach 100 BLUP with a horse

16. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Buy a horse for X000 equus
- Obj. 2. - Donate XXXX equus to Ow
- Obj. 3. - Open HoP

17. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Give a carrot to foundie (horse with parents Ouranos and Gaia)
- Obj. 2. - Win X competitions
- Obj. 3. - Take care of a horse over 40 years old (excluding divines, wilds, legendaries)

18. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Give a mash to a horse who has between XXX and YYY dressage skill points
- Obj. 2. - Achieve an equus reserve that ends with 11111
- Obj. 3. - Give a XXX color GA to a horse

19. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Win 2 competitions with a foundie
- Obj. 2. - Donate 10,000 equus to Ow
- Obj. 3. - Buy a horse for at least 1 pass (1 pass +)

20. Pinata:
- Obj. 1. - Remove unicorn's horn
- Obj. 2. - Give birth to twins
- Obj. 3. - Win 1 rosette
1. Pinata - 3x AP, Pandora's box
2. Pinata - 10% energy for all your horses, 3*** Classical Bridle
3. Pinata - Whip, 3*** Classical Saddle
4. Pinata - 10x Mash, Water of Youth
5. Pinata - 50x Apple, Philotes' Stroke
6. Pinata - 1* Classical Bridle, Helios' Ray
7. Pinata - 100x Wood, 100x Iron, 100x Sand
8. Pinata - Fertility wand, 10 AP, Artemis' Arrow
9. Pinata - 20x Leather, Water trough, Apollos' Lyre
10. Pinata - 2** Violet/Purple and White Western set
11. Pinata - 300x Fodder, Horseshoe Studs, Medusa's blood
12. Pinata - 4,000 equus, 500x points to your general ranking, Zeus' Lightning Bolt
13. Pinata - 20x Carrot, Shower, Poseidon's pack
14. Pinata - 250x 2** fertiliser, Piece of Cloud, Achilles' Heel
15. Pinata - 10x AP, Tractor, Horn of Plenty
16. Pinata - 100x Droppings, Hypnos' Blanket, Harmony Pack
17. Pinata - 50,000 equus, 300x Flax seeds, Gypsum
18. Pinata - 20x Mash, Nyx Pack, 1,000 points to your general ranking
19. Pinata - 5,000 equus, Ow's Helios' Ray, Hermes Winged Staff
20. Pinata - Liana

New Divine + Page appearance
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Divine's Page

Plant Kingdom

Sneak peak at new features!
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New equus page

New draft and donkey teams

Enjoy! default smiley ^)
(All of this is from the test version)
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By Retired breeder, 11th January 2017 22:50:02
Retired breeder wrote:

For the Toralone's post,,
Just some quick translate, really there's a lot of grammatical mistakes,, default smiley :$ default smiley :d
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Great challenge and festivies are back,,

Divine horse Lug can be found for VIP players in Golden Fleeces through the whole promotion. In lotery for all players,,

Principle is the same, there are just few adjustments,,
- Reduced the difficulty of getting Golden Horseshoes and changed the quantity needed for trophy
- You can skip the Quest in GC by giving away one your BM item
- Once you asked for help you can take your request back and complete the Quest by yourself,, Equus paid WON'T be compensated

Lug is a part of Celtic horses. Find 5 Ogham letters, which are the part of prediction and win:
1x Zeus Lightning Bolt
1x Longe
5x AP

Lug can be won through GC and Lotery

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New series of Je t'aime > Probably phrase "I love you" in different languages,,
Je t'aime in french means I love you, new divine's name is "I love you" < In english

"I love you" Heart battle!
The message given at the end of contest has been modified. You'll see now your ranking in the top 10 players,,

I love you
> It's perk is the same as Je t'aime

This horese will be obtainable (is this a word?) in HoP's
For this series is not a specific trophy yet, but it still counts toward Divine Horses trophy,,

Click to display
New BM item
Nomad's Soul (Wandering horses)
We introduce you the new item for customization of your horse,, This item will let you give to your horse one of older Wandering horse's coat,, We are staring with Original and History series,, Other series'll come soon! (Excluding the BIRD WANDERING HORSES, as they were designed by palyers and some of them have their coat in GA)

This item can be bought only while some specific events,,

How does it work?
- Players will choose the series they'd like to give to their horse
- Coat from the serie is determined RANDOMLY
- Chances of getting some specific coat are the same FOR EVERY COAT (all of them are the same rarity)

Price = 1 pass

This item'll give to your horse +5 in every skill,,

Like I stated with everything I wrote: I wasn't sure about the things, since it came from a girl, who's really good in French, but her Dutch, not so much. So, I used her information to post here.
Thank you for correcting with the right information default smiley :d
Can someone tell me about Y_____? Ive looked back a couple pages but couldnt find details, just that its useless apparently?
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WarEagle! wrote:

Can someone tell me about Y_____? Ive looked back a couple pages but couldnt find details, just that its useless apparently?

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Well, I don't kow much about him, but here, there are some information I know:
Yggdrasil has no skills, he can't be cared for, and you can't do anything else with him (no riding, no competitions, etc.). The first time you visit his page/day, you can get a seed, which allows you to get 10 tree rings (instead of 1) for the next horse you send heaven older than 25 years. Also, there will be a ranking on his page about who has the oldest Yggdrasil.
Moreover (it's not about him, but willl appear with him), there will be new trophies (actually 3) :
1)Trophy about how many horses was sent to heaven (all horses, any age)/month
2) Trophy about how many old horses was sent to heaven (+25 years)/month
3) Trophy about how many horses was sent to Safe Heaven/month

About his look: the post below shows his tranformations, the ways he looks as he grows.

Retired breeder wrote:

Something like, "News",,
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I'm not doing this really often, but I went through ranking of "Old Yggdrasils"
Thanks to "slukva" (one Czech player) I can here show you more transformations of Yggdrasil,,
It's age is 35,192 years, and has probably already opened all of it's appearances,,

My opinion? It's ugly.

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@ Lobolond444, Yes, thanks a bunch!
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By Retired breeder, 12th January 2017 03:51:37
not sure if spoiler is necessary here, but...

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anyone know when je'taime is coming?
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