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By Retired breeder, 16th August 2016 10:04:32
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Hi, does anyone know if the potions promo will start as soon as the maze promo ends, or will it take a few hours before it starts?
By Retired breeder, 16th August 2016 10:05:57
Retired breeder wrote:

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Hi, does anyone know if the potions promo will start as soon as the maze promo ends, or will it take a few hours before it starts?

It usually takes a few days between promos. They are never back-to-back
Retired breeder wrote:

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Hi, does anyone know if the potions promo will start as soon as the maze promo ends, or will it take a few hours before it starts?

As Cookie Monster said, it will take at least a couple of days. The earliest it is likely to start is Thursday (as this is typically when promos begin), but it could take as long as Monday for the next promo to start.

We just have to be patient - we don't know when exactly it will start.
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is it true the wandering horses are returning?
Princess Celestia
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Princess Celestia wrote:

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is it true the wandering horses are returning?

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they will return after the Potions promo.

Testing hasn't started yet, so we don't have much information on it besides my translated post for the W______ H_____ here.
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usually i like the promos but i'm so happy the mazes are over. i got lost in the second mazedefault smiley :k
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I'm really excited about the new butterfly Wandering Horse promo. I like to collect butterfly Golden Apples. default smiley :)
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What are the potion promo and the wandering horse promo exactly? I've only been here for around a year.
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Was writing comments on the Maze survey page and thought, "if you are going to say something nice about someone(s) default smiley ;) , why not say it to them?"


The best part of the mazes was definitely working through things with my friends here in the Zone.... As a rule I haven't been too keen on most of the promotions in the past (and especially not the upcoming "event"), but I am more successful with the promos and with the game itself and am actually looking forward to whatever Howrse is going to throw at us next, thanks to all the help (and sometimes just shared misery default smiley :s ) I get here.

So, to keep it short (TOO LATE default smiley :-)) ) Thanks Guys! default smiley (l)

default smiley (b)
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callie26 wrote:

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What are the potion promo and the wandering horse promo exactly? I've only been here for around a year.

You can find links to posts about both within the past 4-5 pages. Everything is explained as best we know it at the moment there.
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By Retired breeder, 16th August 2016 18:00:06
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i want a new event
Retired breeder wrote:

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i want a new event

This isn't really a spoiler for anybody... And nothing can be done here about Howrse creating new events. They will eventually come up with new events, but we just have to be patient. It takes a lot of time for them to re-create existing events, let alone come up with new ones.
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So, the
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potions promo should come sometime after Thursday, when will the wandering horses come? And how will we get the wandering horses. If it's in a previous post I must be missed it.
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cheanut wrote:

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potions promo should come sometime after Thursday, when will the wandering horses come? And how will we get the wandering horses. If it's in a previous post I must be missed it.

Since this question keeps popping up a lot I'd like to point out that we never know when a new promo is coming. It typically is just a few days after the end of a previous one though. So just plan on that for all future promo planning. Otherwise, a specific day is just speculation. We also never know how long a promo will last. Many last about 3 weekends worth(starts on a Thursday then ends on a Monday).
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That being said, the arrival of the Wandering Horses depends on when the Potions ends. I don't have a post bookmarked for the Wandering Horses yet since testing for this server hasn't opened and I usually only mark posts that has information from our test server but there should be some posts about it within the last 10 pages.

Missions for this WH event consisted of dewinging Pegasis or Winged Unicorns and opening HoPs with some easier actions thrown in as well
Legacy Ann
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cheanut wrote:

So, the
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potions promo should come sometime after Thursday, when will the wandering horses come? And how will we get the wandering horses. If it's in a previous post I must be missed it.

Some information found here, as well as on pages surrounding that post.

We can probably expect it

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in September. Potions will probably go into the first week of September, so the WH will be after that.
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What's the link that you can plug in the divines name in French and it will bring up a picture?
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By Retired breeder, 16th August 2016 20:31:42
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Anybody know what Ptah will give you?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Anybody know what Ptah will give you?

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hmheather, I believe it's been translated as a Bonus Pack, iron, or skill points to apply to Ptah. Which to me is rather disappointing, especially since I actually would've been able to finish that promo default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 16th August 2016 20:48:44
Redwallfan12 wrote:

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hmheather, I believe it's been translated as a Bonus Pack, iron, or skill points to apply to Ptah. Which to me is rather disappointing, especially since I actually would've been able to finish that promo default smiley (lol)

So does that mean no divine will be given?
Retired breeder wrote:

So does that mean no divine will be given?

There will be a Divine. There's a Divine as a prize for every major promotion.
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By Retired breeder, 16th August 2016 21:36:12
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
has the preprod for this version opened up yet?
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Will the
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new wandering horses
give you something?
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By Retired breeder, 16th August 2016 21:55:04
cheanut wrote:

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new wandering horses

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Yes, if you get a wandering horse, it stays with you for 5 days, gives you a prize, then leaves.

Retired breeder wrote:

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I believe it is Ptah.
I wasn't here when they last had the
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wandering horses.....so they come and they're in your horses area and then they leave and yiu get that wandering horses thing on your page like with the previous wandering horses?

Sorry I just want to make this as clear as I can with the info we know
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