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By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:21:35
Retired breeder wrote:

oh cool! i love the new quarter ponies

I grabbed one in time before the old update time for UK users and guess what: our clocks went forwards so the update is now 8:00am not 7:00am. Also, they don't even have QPs on the UK server so I think everyone will be confused when they go without a coat change today.
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:21:56
^First post on the page^
While we are all raging about the new coats, does anybody know what the prizes are like for the parade?
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By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:36:03
glitchy_karma wrote:

While we are all raging about the new coats, does anybody know what the prizes are like for the parade?

I think it's because we all have lived with the V3 coats and this is a change and I believe this happened when we got the current coats?
Croesus' Fortune
Aging Points
Made-to-measure saddle
Helios' Ray
Box 3***
Zeus's Lightning Bolt
Bonus Pack
A horse of the Highland Pony breed
Parade Pack
Philosepher's Stone
Harmony Pack
Horn of Plenty
Hestia's Gift
Nyx Pack
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By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:40:07
Corinnehuilin wrote:

A horse of the Highland Pony breed

I was aiming for one but... I bought one for less than 18,000e...But I'm still trying on the US server for one...
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:43:27
what's the parade??
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:45:05
Retired breeder wrote:

what's the parade??

The current Promo, The Horse Parade
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:47:38
glitchy_karma wrote:

While we are all raging about the new coats, does anybody know what the prizes are like for the parade?
On the parade page, there's a large green button that says "convert my point to prizes" click it, and it shows you all the prizes, and how many points they all cost default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:48:24
*points the s key sticks...
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:52:09
oh duh, that parade, haha. I thought you meant there was a parade of coats somewhere. default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:53:52
Prepeare for the cuteness coat update... The...New...Quater...Ponies...Are...Adorable... UK has seen them...
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:56:29
the new Quarter Pony
Click to display
[img] http://gaia.preprod.equideow.com/media/equideo/image/chevauxv4/adulte/poney-leger/normal/300/pie-tb-plm.png?8/img [/img]
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:57:10
I will be getting a liver chestnut one of those cuties. I nabbed one before 7:00am UK time.
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:57:40
That's UK connemara... the head is awful. The body is nice though.
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:59:07
Retired breeder wrote:

the new Quarter Pony
Click to display
[img] http://gaia.preprod.equideow.com/media/equideo/image/chevauxv4/adulte/poney-leger/normal/300/pie-tb-plm.png?8/img [/img]

One of the only coats I actually think I'll enjoy. The rest I don't mind too much.
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:59:12
Retired breeder wrote:

That's UK connemara... the head is awful. The body is nice though.
To the best of my knowledge, that's *also* the international server's Quarter Pony... We'll find out in a few minutes!
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 06:59:32
Retired breeder wrote:

That's UK connemara... the head is awful. The body is nice though.

I didn't realise that... Oh well...
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 07:01:59
The ponies just updated! Yet i haven't been kicked off the server yet...
Yay! Connies have updated. Cute.default smiley :-))
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Wolf of the North
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By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 07:03:40
Retired breeder wrote:

The ponies just updated! Yet i haven't been kicked off the server yet...

Wait a few minutes... Same happened to me... Looks like QPs still share with the connie... Oh well...
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 07:04:55
I wonder if the new coats will affect this mares foal sale prices...
Is this right for the new coat releases?
27- KWPNs [and other breeds sharing that coat]
28- Lusitanos [and other breeds sharing that coat]
29- Thoroughbreds
30- Quarter Pony
Wolf of the North
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By Retired breeder, 30th March 2014 07:06:37
Retired breeder wrote:

I wonder if the new coats will affect this mares foal sale prices...
If the majority of the players like the new coat, then their demand will probably go up, and you'll make more money
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