[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 28th February 2016 20:44:28
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh, I do have some info from our test version. I was able to get A****. default smiley (a)

Darn... Not really a fan of sit there and be pretty divines and although he is my sign I'm not even going to try for him. 1 year perk is entirely too long for me. Sorry A____, maybe you'll be offered to me on the 19th default smiley xd
How much do we know in advance about upcoming zodiac's/ the promo's they will be offered in?
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clearviatares2 wrote:

How much do we know in advance about upcoming zodiac's/ the promo's they will be offered in?

Quite a bit. Reading over the past 2-3 pages will give you that information~
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Any one know how long till
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comes out?
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ilikepie000 wrote:

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Likely months before we know anything.
starlight dreamer!
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By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 02:08:09
I don't think this is a spoiler, but just in case,
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I really like what Pisces looks like. I don't like Ares as much, but he is the one that correlates to my birthdaydefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 02:13:40
I believe

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The Championship Promo

is where we will get

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if I am correct?
By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 02:15:32
10 charcters lala
By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 02:15:52
Retired breeder wrote:

10 charcters lala

Okay thanks!
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Does anyone have any info on Libra?
Wolf of the North
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Well friends, the lottery is officially over! Time for the C_____ promo.
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Wolf of the North wrote:

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Does anyone have any info on Libra?

Not yet. Sorry. Just a lot of assumptions.
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What is the
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Champion ship promo
and is it next?
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Okay, to clarify a few things about Promotions;

The next promotion to come now that the Great Challenge/Lottery is over is the;

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Championship Promo *this is the same as the World Championship event from last year, but with a few changes*

This promotion will give us Pisces - who can breed with Aquarius to produce Aries. The above post contains information about the Promo, as well as pictures and images of the Divines.

While nothing is set in stone - this promotion could start as early as March 3rd (as promotions usually start on Thursdays) - otherwise, we might not see it until sometime next week.

After the above, we shall see a return of the;

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Treasure Hunt Promotion *this is the same as the Treasure Hunt that gave us Amira last year, but with a few changes*

This promotion will give us Anubis - the newest Egyptian Divine.
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By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 04:56:01
how do you get onto the test version if anyone can...?
For those asking about other Zodiac Horses and potential release dates...This is something I posted awhile back;

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The dates within the (parentheses) are the Calendar time of the sign. Most of the Zodiac horses have been released during at least part of their sign:

*Please note that Zodiac Calendar dates can differ depending on the source - so these may or may not be 100% accurate

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) = First added November 12th

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) = First added December 10th

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) = First added December 16th (December 10th if Ow's Capricorn is counted).*

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) = First added January 18th

Now - we've started testing for the next promo on Preprod...This is set to run until the 23rd or so. Given that there is usually a break of a few days between when testing ends and something goes live...It's a safe bet to guess that Pisces (next in the set) will be released sometime within the first week or two of March, which falls perfectly into the following:

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) = If I have to guess a date (again - this is a GUESS and not confirmed) - the first Pisces could be added March 3rd

Aries (March 21 - April 19) = Gotten by breeding Aquarius to Pisces, so excluding Ow's Aries - This divine will be on the game 6 days after the first Pisces are added, so March 9th**

(Again, the above promo dates are GUESSES and NOT confirmed dates!!)

So for the rest of the Divines - one can expect them to be added to the game (meaning their promotion will happen) sometime between the following dates:

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Libra (September 23 - October 22)

*Due to when Sagittarius was added, Capricorn was able to be gotten outside of his calendar time. However, a lot of players waited to gain 'free' access to the Divine forest to get their Sagittarius, so many more Capricorns were born after the 24th of December (which is then within Capricorn's time)

**The same as the above may end up true with Aries depending on when the first Pisces are added to the game. Some players might rush though the promo and use a lot of tickets to get Pisces...others may wait a little more patiently.
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Retired breeder wrote:

how do you get onto the test version if anyone can...?

You simply need to be invited to it by the Admins (they tend to look for players of all kinds who have a knowledge of how the game works, high enthusiasm towards the game, etc).

VIPs have a slightly higher chance of getting on Preprod because they can take a perk that allows them the *chance* to click on a banner to get a guaranteed spot (however, only a limited amount of spots are set aside for them - and if a VIP player misses the banner - they must hope for a PM like anyone else)
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Ha, I just opened my one and only HOP that I won in Lotto.

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I now own Cascade.

default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 05:26:46
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I hope I did this right. Does anyone know when Sagittarius is coming? I couldn't open spoilers because my device is weird.
I do beleive he has come and gone.
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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Retired breeder wrote:

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I hope I did this right. Does anyone know when Sagittarius is coming? I couldn't open spoilers because my device is weird.

Sagittarius has already gone by - She was one of the Divines who was a prize in the Tree Decorating and Advent Calendar Promotions we had back in December of 2015.

While we do not know if she will be released again - chances are high, it will not happen until all the Zodiacs are on the game (which means another 8 to 10 months for the whole set to be finished).
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By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 05:41:31
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Does anyone know what the Pisces benefits/perks will be?
By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 05:44:41
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know what the Pisces benefits/perks will be?

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Just the usual 5th element per year if it's your sign and she will be able to give birth to Aries when bred with Aquarius
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know what the Pisces benefits/perks will be?

Yes, The second spoiler in this post contains the information and pictures.
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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By Retired breeder, 29th February 2016 13:11:28
Anyone aware /when/ the next promo will be?
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