lizleclair99's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
50672 | -14 | ghost22 | 166,667 | ||||
50673 | -13 | sasamh | 166,655 | ||||
50674 | -13 | Adolpha | 166,646 | ||||
50675 | -13 | pony1243 | 166,620 | ||||
50676 | +1372 | MerlynBane | 166,613 | ||||
50677 | -14 | BayleeAG | 166,611 | ||||
50678 | -14 | Abby598 | 166,590 | ||||
50679 | -14 | Mapsa2003 | 166,590 | ||||
50680 | -14 | hannahmh | 166,559 | ||||
50681 | -14 | lizleclair99 | 166,551 | ||||
50682 | -14 | Mine That Bird | 166,541 | ||||
50683 | -14 | Aeriss | 166,523 | ||||
50684 | -14 | Marshfeilds | 166,502 | ||||
50685 | -14 | Teddiz | 166,475 | ||||
50686 | -14 | CalliopeElla24 | 166,448 | ||||
50687 | -14 | B0N3BAB3 | 166,437 | ||||
50688 | -14 | ᴍᴇᴄʜᴀɴɪᴄᴀʟ ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟs | 166,428 | ||||
50689 | -14 | xAikox | 166,426 | ||||
50690 | -13 | smalltown98 | 166,398 | ||||
50691 | -11 | Cxnceled | 166,383 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
49799 | -32 | Esp3854 | 23 | ||||
49800 | -32 | nicky4142 | 23 | ||||
49801 | -32 | horsin'round | 23 | ||||
49802 | -32 | CDNStarsDressage | 23 | ||||
49803 | -32 | marial25 | 23 | ||||
49804 | -32 | alexandria_kahn | 23 | ||||
49805 | -32 | wardemma | 23 | ||||
49806 | -32 | Charlie Baker | 23 | ||||
49807 | -32 | Aswizzle | 23 | ||||
49808 | -32 | lizleclair99 | 23 | ||||
49809 | -32 | AlisaSh | 23 | ||||
49810 | -32 | kawi30 | 23 | ||||
49811 | -32 | breta12 | 23 | ||||
49812 | -32 | Tempest1980 | 23 | ||||
49813 | -32 | PalePonyEQ | 23 | ||||
49814 | -32 | tehyalee | 23 | ||||
49815 | -32 | almsphoenix | 23 | ||||
49816 | -32 | kmccormick4 | 23 | ||||
49817 | -32 | Rexii | 23 | ||||
49818 | -32 | toripratt | 23 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
56059 | -86 | gizmosciurus | 33,724 | ||||
56060 | -368 | Emily_Ann | 33,710 | ||||
56061 | -84 | Leucathea | 33,707 | ||||
56062 | -84 | rakerr | 33,705 | ||||
56063 | -84 | Narath | 33,703 | ||||
56064 | -84 | ashleywynn96 | 33,700 | ||||
56065 | +1722 | kyree | 33,697 | ||||
56066 | -85 | Elliotishere | 33,695 | ||||
56067 | -10021 | ☯ ᴢᴏᴅɪᴀᴄ ☯ | 33,692 | ||||
56068 | -86 | lizleclair99 | 33,686 | ||||
56069 | -86 | aegn123 | 33,677 | ||||
56070 | -86 | cowgoesmoo8492 | 33,675 | ||||
56071 | -2404 | AlleighGator | 33,674 | ||||
56072 | -87 | tarantulapelapula | 33,668 | ||||
56073 | -87 | sheena1960 | 33,667 | ||||
56074 | -87 | PepperminttTea7 | 33,663 | ||||
56075 | -87 | nootnoot | 33,659 | ||||
56076 | -87 | acsimard23 | 33,658 | ||||
56077 | -87 | Srosas | 33,654 | ||||
56078 | -1171 | thomas.halie | 33,653 |
Player | Days | ||||||
52409 | -18 | Illoow13 | 32 | ||||
52410 | -18 | Curtis96 | 32 | ||||
52411 | -18 | ebrowniie | 32 | ||||
52412 | -18 | merrmalon1 | 32 | ||||
52413 | -18 | xBatcat | 32 | ||||
52414 | -18 | ash20 | 32 | ||||
52415 | -18 | CharlotteGee01 | 32 | ||||
52416 | -18 | motisa | 32 | ||||
52417 | -18 | jesscdh | 32 | ||||
52418 | -18 | lizleclair99 | 32 | ||||
52419 | -18 | xFayex | 32 | ||||
52420 | -18 | CompetentStnr | 32 | ||||
52421 | -18 | jess62396 | 32 | ||||
52422 | -18 | Suzi | 32 | ||||
52423 | -18 | Alfaluvzcookie | 32 | ||||
52424 | -18 | CreativeCrisis | 32 | ||||
52425 | -18 | Mimi_ | 32 | ||||
52426 | -18 | debbiedowner | 32 | ||||
52427 | -18 | nminchin29 | 32 | ||||
52428 | -18 | Animal Crazy | 32 |