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By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 15:36:21
Sorry if someone doesn't like that I didn't use spoilers, but it gets annoying to open and open and open and open and open and open....
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry if someone doesn't like that I didn't use spoilers, but it gets annoying to open and open and open and open and open and open....

Spoilers tags must be used if posting something that is not yet on the game.
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 15:57:02
Does anyone know what the foals of the new coats will look like? Or is that some kind of "surprise" When they come out? I have gander-ed through some previous posts and have not found any...
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know what the foals of the new coats will look like? Or is that some kind of "surprise" When they come out? I have gander-ed through some previous posts and have not found any...

Only Ow knows the exact date default smiley ;)
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 16:40:22
The new Connemara does NOT look like a Connemara. It's far too fat! Connemaras are not sturdy, and chubby!
Dr Zig wrote:

The foal ones are very cute. Some of the adult ones are cool too, although I will miss the current morgan coat, which I love. I am looking forward to seeing what the new KWPN base coat will be, and I doubt I will miss their current slightly flat-headed one default smiley (lol)

Morgan = trotter?
I like them too.default smiley :(
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Retired breeder wrote:

The new Connemara does NOT look like a Connemara. It's far too fat! Connemaras are not sturdy, and chubby!

I rode a 14.3hh connemara gelding many years ago, and he was very sturdy and thickset.
Dr Zig
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I am just confused about the Gypsy Vanners. They really look nothing like any Gypsy Vanner I have ever seen. Aren't they supposed to have a lot of feathering and hair?
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Retired breeder wrote:

Everyone's talking about the parade, and how its going to be like the last one. But does anyone remember the parade promo from a few years ago? You had horse floats, and you had to get horses assigned to floats. You could only use ten of your own horses for you floats, the rest had to come from other players. The best horse to have on your floats was Harlequin, I think you got him every time you bought 10 passes. He would be worth even more if you put masks on him (he could have up to six, all different colours) This is one of the only promos that has never been repeated (at least not in a similar way) which I think is kinda sad; we have all these Harlequins that don't do anything.

Another promo that wasn't repeated was the Egg Promo (I can't really remember what it was called...) You had a Fallabela egg in your breeding farms, and if you got it to hatch, you got to keep it. I really liked this one (even if I didn't get anywhere with it) because having it in your farms, and being able to view it as though you owned it, makes you want it even more!default smiley (lol)

And "set the horses free", where did you get Venus default smiley :d
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I am just confused about the Gypsy Vanners. They really look nothing like any Gypsy Vanner I have ever seen. Aren't they supposed to have a lot of feathering and hair?

They look more like how the breed originally looked, before it got turned into a breed, and how those same animals look now in Ireland as they try to survive on council estates and wasteground. Here we call them 'cart horses' or 'tinkers ponies' - nothing so fancy as Gypsy Vanner (that name does not even exist here). The increased mane and feather size only came about, presumably through selective breeding, when the breed was created abroad. I suppose it is possible that the artist went from a picture of one from this part of the world instead of one from the US version, which would be an odd thing to do.
Dr Zig
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That said, the ones here only come in black and white. I have never seen them in any other color default smiley (lol)
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,967
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Oh I see. I am so far being a horse expert I had no idea. I have heard of them called Tinker horses or ponies. Going to go look up some pics now to compare...
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By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 17:26:10
Are there any pictures of all the breeds you can get when you start the game?
Does anyone have any ideas as to when the EC updates are coming? Such as the merging of the reserves?
Wolf of the North
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Wolf of the North wrote:

Does anyone have any ideas as to when the EC updates are coming? Such as the merging of the reserves?

That will not be for quite some time yet. The new graphics have to arrive first. EC changes are not even in testing yet default smiley :)
Dr Zig
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^ Alright, thanks, Zig. =)

And I'm so glad almost all my horses/unicorns have GAs on them, I really dislike some of the new coats being posted. =\ I do kinda like the new GV foal though.
Wolf of the North
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By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 18:11:14
Does anyone have any idea when this "Big Challenge" will start? Is it still in testing or can we expect it any day now?
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have any idea when this "Big Challenge" will start? Is it still in testing or can we expect it any day now?

The new contest cycle, that the blog post is about, is not yet in English language test server.
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 18:17:23
I have read about the "Big Challenge", when will it be happening? I think this new idea is great!
By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 18:29:59
@Dr.Zig I ride a Connemara gelding and he looks nothing like the one on howrse. He is slim. Like most Connemaras. Yes, you can get sturdy ones, but most are not.
Retired breeder wrote:

I have read about the "Big Challenge", when will it be happening? I think this new idea is great!

Only Ow might have any idea of when this might happen. It is not even in English-language testing yet default smiley ;)
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,967
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By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 18:34:06
I explained that really bad. I'm sorry. I was just trying to say that they are usually slimmer than the one posted. It looks like a brick.
By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 18:38:35
Rynx wrote:

Ee, on 111 page has been written, that this is connemara default smiley :p

This, doesn't look like a Connemara.

But the other one for the Connemara on Page 133 does look more like it.
By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 18:46:45
Does anyone know if the new coats for foals of the different breeds have been released? I've seen a few but I'm wondering if there is a list of all the foal coats somewhere? default smiley :) Thanks default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 25th March 2014 18:48:28
when the new coats come out i'm selling all my connies!
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