dark sunshine

dark sunshine
Seniority: 3,718 daysGeneral ranking: 235ᵗʰ
Registration date: 2007-12-30Number of horses: 10670
Last visit: 2024-08-14Reserve: 1,272,030 equus
Karma: 10 points


  • trophydiamond5
  • trophygold15
  • trophysilver44
  • trophybronze91
equestrian center

Equestrian center

dark sunshine manages the equestrian center LaCharlaRiverRanch (see the forum).

  • Prestige:
  • Number of places: 117
  • Number of remaining places: 0


dark sunshine has been congratulated 10,051 times in all, most recently by:

chrissyh❣️4 days ago
LadyLuxe6 days ago
Madison Gregory6 days ago
Jasmyn5008 days ago
Brother T19 days ago
customized ufos

Customized UFOs

pictoalertBe the first to find a UFO on dark sunshine's page!

The horses belonging to dark sunshine

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