1 - Create and manage1.1 - General information1.2 - Location1.3 - Store1.4 - Box1.5 - Meadows1.6 - Workshops2 - Prosperity2.1 - Boarders2.2 - Benefits2.3 - Enhancements2.4 - Missions2.5 - Competitions2.6 - Employees2.7 - Forums3 - Reputation3.1 - Page3.2 - Prestige3.3 - Rankings3.4 - Rosettes
1.1 - Managing an equestrian centerCreate and manage your equestrian center to:Welcome boarded horsesOffer pasture landGrow many productsCraft useful items for your equestrian center and breeding farmsCreate and manage your competitionsAccess is granted when you complete the apprentice breeder objectives.